Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 382 Make Him Never Get Up Again

Jiang Yi's words made Xia Ruo laugh out loud.

"Then why don't you target Feng Yan, Xi Yu and the others? Are you calling bullying the good and fearing the evil?"

Others agree with this statement, Jiang Yi is too unmannered.

This guy was upset with those who didn't know medicine and signed up for elective courses, but he didn't dare to target powerful people. He only dared to target Xia Ruo who had no background.

Before, I thought that Xia Ruo was a bit harsh in beating people, but now I feel inexplicably that it should be taken for granted.

Without waiting for Jiang Yi to speak, Xia Ruo continued: "Since you use this reason to explain why you bought the navy to blackmail me, you love and respect medicine so much, and you think you are the number one person in the department of medicine, so let's test at the end of the month to see who It's rubbish."

Xia Ruo always likes to slap her face with facts, since Jiang Yi thinks that his own potion is the number one freshman in the Second Academy, then she will step him down so that he can never get up again.

Jiang Yi gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, if you fail the drug test at the end of the month, then you can apologize to me for what happened today!"

The humiliation he received today must be doubled by Xia Ruo in the future.

He wants to prove to everyone that even if Xia Ruo's mother is a master pharmacist, he is better than her.

In my heart, I feel that he should inherit the inheritance of the ancient doctor, and a waste like Xia Ruo is not qualified.

"Okay!" Xia Ruo agreed very readily, and then changed the topic, "But if your test scores are not as good as mine, then you can learn how to bark three times in front of the whole class of the elective course of pharmacy."

She doesn't need to apologize or anything, since this guy came to his door on his own initiative, she will make him doubt his life.

Jiang Yi didn't believe that he would lose to Xia Ruo in terms of pharmacy at all. He was the number one in the new pharmacy department, and he was assisted by his aunt in private. There is no suspense at all.

He felt that he could win back the game in this aspect, and let Xia Ruo get out of the elective course of pharmacy in despair. Thinking about it, he became inexplicably looking forward to it.

"Okay!" He didn't think he would lose, and it was even more impossible to bark like a dog, so he agreed.

Looking at Jiang Yi's confident appearance, Xia Ruo twitched her lips ironically, "I hope you don't regret it!"

She just wanted to see how he learned how to bark like a dog in front of the whole class. After barking, if he could stay shamelessly in the Second Academy, she would consider him a great man.

Since Xu Ying dared to betray, and it is very likely that she was one of the murderers who killed the original mother, let her taste the feeling of being raped by her relatives first, and let her slowly understand what it is like to be in pain!

The agreement between the two was also photographed by Feng Yan, and then posted on the Internet.

The title is "Everyone will soon hear ugly things barking like dogs!" ".

He didn't really like posting videos or talking publicly on the Internet before, but after going off to tear up Heizi in person, he suddenly felt that it was quite relieved.

She has full confidence in Xia Ruo's medicine level, and if Jiang Yi wants to take the initiative to seek humiliation, he will help the other party to publicize and let the whole school know about it.

After learning how to bark like a dog, let's see how he still has the face to stay in school.

If Jiang Yi is shameless and still wants to die, he still has a way to make the enemy doubt himself and doubt his life.

It has to be said that Feng Yan's idea coincides with Xia Ruo's again, and the two have already begun to have a tacit understanding that they can shoot together without explaining.

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