Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 383 Is this a sub-question?

The video was posted on the school website, which aroused heated discussions among many people.

Needless to say, Xia Ruo has been a hot topic both online and in school recently. Even the students in school who usually concentrate on studying and don't pay much attention to other things know her as a person.

Although Jiang Yi is not that famous, but the first place in the new pharmacy department is still well-known.

Such an agreement between the two was very exciting, and the students were all ready to watch a good show.

Of course, most people are not optimistic about Xia Ruo. After all, if this is an elective course in combat, she will definitely win.

But this is an elective course in pharmacy. Jiang Yi is a pharmacy student and has the best grades. Compared with this, Xia Ruo is at a disadvantage.

They hadn't heard that Xia Ruo knew how to use medicine, and even if she knew a little bit, she couldn't surpass Jiang Yi, who was ranked first. Such a bet didn't feel like much suspense.

If it were someone else, the students who watched the excitement would have already started to sneer in the school net forum.

But Xia Ruo and the others wouldn't dare.

First of all, the most feared thing is Feng Bawang. Jiang Yi ran outside to find the navy black Xiaruo, and he would dig them out for revenge. He would even openly maintain them on the school website. Even if they were anonymous on the school website, they would definitely be dug out. Don't dare to offend the bully.

Secondly, Xia Ruo's fighting power is not something to brag about. It's not the first time that she started beating her when she disagreed with her.

Therefore, the focus of everyone's discussion was to watch a good show. It was guessed that Jiang Yi would win more, and some people started a gamble, still betting with credits, and soon received a warm welcome.

Everyone thought that this was a point-giving question, and many people took credits to beat Jiang Yiying, including the seniors and sisters in the senior grades.

Of course, Xia Ruo also has supporters, such as the two roommates, Xi Yu, and some students from the logistics department, combat elective courses and music elective courses.

These have no idea whether she can win Jiang Yi, but the support she should have is absolutely indispensable.

Shui Yini and Xi Yu even went to the school's forum in person to cheer for Xia Ruo. Luo Ning, who was cold-tempered, and Ming Rui, who was shrewd and steady, also went to like her by their real names.

Not to mention Feng Xiaoba, he just wants everyone in the world to know that he is Xia Ruo's most solid supporter.

Anyone who offends Xia Ruo will have trouble with him, so those who want to gossip don't dare to go to the forum, they only dare to talk in private.

There are several times more girls who envy and hate Xia Ruo, but they can only envy her. Feng Bawang is the white moonlight cinnabar mole they couldn't ask for.

After the beating, Xia Ruo and Feng Yan didn't bother to care about Jiang Yi who was lying on the ground, they all turned around and left.

After leaving the villa area, Feng Yan said, "I'm a bit full tonight, let's go for a walk by the lake."

Before he even said a few words just now, he came to beat someone up, and he wanted to recollect it again!

Xia Ruo chuckled lightly: "Okay, for the sake of you helping me deal with those sunspots and finding out who was behind the scenes, I'll go for a walk with you!"

Feng Yan smiled brightly, "You owe me more and more interest, and you may not be able to pay it back in the future!"

Then use people to pay for it, he added in his heart.

Xia Ruo glanced at him, "You are so good at settling accounts, why didn't you study economics?"

Feng Yan lifted his chin proudly, "I can't help it, I'm born a God of War and I can't give up!"

"Look, you're freaking out, get out!" Xia Ruo said with a grumpy smile.

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