Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 384 It's Interesting

After the walk, Feng Yan sent Xia Ruo back to the dormitory.

After taking a shower, she swiped the webpage with a terminal, and more people participated in the comments.

I checked the school website again, and found that someone posted a bet on who would win the end-of-month test between her and Jiang Yi Pharmaceutical, and all the people who participated in the bet chose Jiang Yi.

This made Xia Ruo see an opportunity to earn credits again, but it was a pity that all her previous credits were bet on the opening of the ten elective courses.

With a change of mind, she decided to talk to the tutor of the music department tomorrow.

He told her that day that because she became the first student to join the Interstellar Music Guild, it was an honor for the Second Academy, so he would reward her with ten credits.

She will go to claim the ten credits tomorrow, and then use them to bet and earn some points.

After browsing the webpage, Xia Ruo opened the real-name Xingbo that had not yet completed the application.

The avatar has not been selected yet, she thought for a while and summoned the fairy vine in the dantian, and then took a photo.

My sister has been found, but my brother hasn't heard from her yet. If her Xingbo can have a large number of fans in the Three Kingdoms and use the immortal magic vine as her profile picture, my brother will definitely contact her when he sees it.

I edited the photos and put them on Xingbo. There is a black and white plant, half of which is very clear. It looks both good and evil. It stands proudly, and it has a mysterious color, which is very special!

After finishing editing, Xia Ruo entered the comment page of the news website, registered and logged in, and created a new post "At everyone's request, I created a Xingbo, welcome to enjoy the music of ancient earth instruments--Xia Ruo".

Then I posted the link to Xingbo.

After sending out, she walked to the futon on the balcony and sat cross-legged to practice. The moonlight enveloped her whole body, and a trace of moon essence penetrated into her body.

She didn't know that her post became popular again.

Countless people clicked into her blog, and saw that mysterious plant that had never been seen before.

People who like music have paid more attention, as have those who join in the fun.

Because of this avatar, it also attracted the attention of plant lovers, and the picture of the avatar was also forwarded.

"What kind of plant is this, I have never seen it before!"

"Did this come from P? Are there any plants in this world that look like gossip, one white and one black? Don't tell me you haven't seen it, or heard of it."

"I have verified that this is not a picture from P, but a real photo, please ask for the name of this plant!"

"This plant is so beautiful, I feel so mysterious, please ask for the name and attributes of the plant!"

"Is your focus wrong? I want to ask for Guqin and Pipa music videos. PS: This plant is very special, I like it!"

Xia Ruo's Xingbo is full of people who are looking for familiar plant names and ancient songs.

Feng Yan has been paying attention to the trend on the Internet, and found that Xia Ruo actually built a star blog, he thought about it and applied for a real-name certified star blog.

He originally wanted to find a plant as his profile picture, but he couldn't find a suitable one after searching. In the end, he used that reporter's candid photo of him returning from the battlefield just now.

Then he ran secretly and created a new post, "I opened a star blog---Feng Yan".

He was the first to follow Xia Ruo, and then he followed the Xingbo of his father, eldest brother, second brother and acquaintances.

In the past, he was absolutely lazy to do this, but now because Xia Ruo took the lead in doing it, he actually found it very interesting.

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