In the blink of an eye, classes ended on Friday, and Xia Ruo and Feng Yan left together.

When the car arrived at the door, Feng Yan said, "I'm going back to the old house today, so I won't be coming back!"

Xia Ruo nodded: "Okay!"

"By the way, I'm going to the Silver Dragon Empire tomorrow, and the time for the starship is half past eleven in the morning."

She looked at Feng Yan and said, "I'll send you a message when I get there!"

It has been confirmed that Pan Deyue will send someone to pick her up tomorrow.

Feng Yan smiled and said, "Okay, I'll wait for your news!"

If it was the past, Feng Yan would just stay on the farm and send him off the next day. Xia Ruo was taken aback for being so straightforward.

She smiled: "Then I'll get out of the car and call!"

Feng Yan raised his hand and compared it to his ear, "Call me!"

Xia Ruo got out of the car and waved to him, then turned and entered the farm.

Feng Yan watched her back disappear, and then drove to the old house.

Back at the farm, Xia Ruo made dinner and ate with grandma and aunt.

When it was over, I sent another message to my sister, telling her when I would arrive tomorrow.

Xia Xuan quickly responded to the message, saying that she would go to the hotel to find her.

The two sisters were a little excited in their hearts, they were finally going to meet each other!

Early the next morning, Xia Ruo got up to make breakfast, and was going to ask Feng Rogue what he would like to eat out of habit.

Only then did I remember that the guy didn't come back yesterday, let alone not seeing him on the weekend morning, she was still a little unaccustomed to it.

She smiled and shook her head, thinking about preparing breakfast.

After breakfast with grandma and aunt, Xia Ruo went back to her room to pack up her things and browsed the webpage.

Over the past few days, her Xingbo fans have grown every day, and now there are more than three million.

She doesn't update her news every day, sometimes she posts a photo of Xiaomo, and sometimes she posts a photo of eating.

I posted the photos of the breakfast I made this morning, which attracted many people wanting to eat it.

To maintain the popularity of Xingbo fans, it is still necessary to brush up the sense of presence from time to time.

I just hope that my brother who doesn't know where can see it.

At ten o'clock, she and grandma greeted each other and went to the gate of the farm.

After standing for two minutes, a suspended bus drove over.

The car door opened, and Qi Lan stepped down from it, with a smile on Qing Yi's face, "Get in the car, let's go directly to the Interstellar Spaceship Company."

Xia Ruo smiled and nodded: "Okay, please trouble Master Qi!"

"You're welcome!" Qi Lan took her into the car and arranged a middle seat for her.

Eleven people were sitting in the car, some were older and some were young, but the youngest was several years older than Xia Ruo.

Qi Lan said to everyone: "This is Xia Ruo who has just joined our Interstellar Music Guild, and is also the youngest girl in the guild. I believe you are no stranger to her!"

Xia Ruo smiled and said generously: "I am Xia Ruo, and I hope all masters will take care of you in the future!"

"Haha, welcome little friend Xia Ruo to join the guild!" An old man smiled and applauded.

The others also raised their hands and applauded, expressing their welcome to Xia Ruo's joining.

Most people looked polite and friendly, but a few were cold, and one had a look of disdain in their eyes.

I feel that Xia Ruo's qualifications are too low, and she was invited to join the guild just because of two songs, which is almost like going through the back door, and she is not qualified to be compared with them.

Xia Ruo scanned around and remembered the people who were going to participate in the music exchange meeting this time, and even counted their attitudes towards her.

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