Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 397 This Man's Face Is Too Big

For polite and friendly people, Xia Ruo will also respond with the same attitude.

But if she is indifferent or even disdainful, she will not put her hot face on someone's cold ass, just treat them indifferently.

More than half an hour later, a group of people arrived at the interstellar spacecraft company, and then went to the international flight rest area to wait.

This is the largest star aviation company in the Federation, and only here are the spaceships to the Silver Dragon Empire and the Wisteria Empire.

Xia Ruo has never been on an interstellar spacecraft before, so she is a little curious in her heart.

When we arrived at the rest area, the airline staff brought tea, drinks, coffee, water and packaged food for everyone to choose.

Xia Ruo took a glass of water, then randomly picked up a bag of biscuits and tore open it.

She hasn't bought these snacks before, and now she wants to taste the taste when she sees them. After all, her food company has almost prepared and will put them into production soon.

The biscuit is filled with fruit flavor, Xia Ruo frowned slightly after taking a bite.

The strawberry sandwich basically has no fruity flavor, it is full of artificial flavor, and the biscuit on the outside is also a bit hard, and the taste is not good.

But she didn't have the habit of wasting, and with so many people sitting, she still ate up a biscuit.

There were other packaged snacks on the dinner plate, but she had no intention of picking it up to try again.

I have a rough plan for my food company and the varieties to be produced.

Just as he was thinking, a sharp male voice sounded beside him.

"Miss Xia, are you nervous?"

Xia Ruo looked up inexplicably, but before she opened her mouth, the other party continued to speak on her own.

"That's right, it's the first time you're going to participate in a cross-border music exchange, and you don't have any previous participation experience or impressive qualifications, so it's normal to be nervous."

This is a young man with an ordinary appearance, but he is full of pride.

"Don't lose face to the music guild masters in our federation!"

He also said in the tone of an elder to his younger generation: "Young people don't always think about being in the limelight. The right way is to keep a low profile and learn more from the elders."

The rest area was full of masters who were going to participate in the music exchange meeting. Some people frowned at the same time, thinking that what he said was exaggerated.

A few of them showed a look of watching the show, obviously agreeing with what this person said in their hearts.

Why did Xia Ruo join the guild just because he played a pipa and got the favor of the vice president, thinking that they only entered the guild through layers of application and selection.

She went to the interstellar music exchange meeting with them as soon as she came. What qualifications and qualifications does she have? They expressed that they were conflicted and unconvinced in their hearts.

Xia Ruo recognized it at a glance, the person who spoke was the person who looked at her with disdain in the car.

"Who are you? Do we know each other?"

She raised her eyebrows: "I was preaching to a stranger, Barabara, what about your upbringing, sir?"

What is this guy? To actually want to give her a warning as soon as he came here, there must be something wrong with his mind.

Sun Liangzhi didn't expect Xia Ruo not only to talk back, but also to mock him for being uneducated, his face darkened, "You don't respect seniors, you still have the nerve to talk about education with me."

Xia Ruo sneered: "Senior?"

He looked Sun Liangzhi up and down with his eyes, "I'm sorry, forgive me for my blindness, I really don't see how you look like a senior, but more like those jealous women who like to swear!"

Facing people who find fault and make fun of them, Xia Ruo will not be tolerant and polite.

This person's face is too big, too self-righteous, what the hell is senior? Did she admit it?

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