Xia Ruo's eyes were tinged with brilliance, Feng Rogue's heroic posture driving the mech was handsome and cool, it was the first time she saw him fighting, it was very thrilling.

She lifted her foot and walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows of the cabin, staring fixedly at the mech battle scene outside.

This is not a sci-fi movie she has seen before, but a real mecha battle in outer space. She has a look of longing in her eyes and holds her palm.

She must become a mecha maker, and then create her own mecha, and travel the universe like a rogue.

Seeing Xia Ruo walking over, the people standing in the cabin involuntarily went to the window to watch, all of them trembling with nervousness.

It was the first time for the masters of these music guilds to experience such a thing, and those who were able to stand here were considered relatively courageous.

There are still a few people who have been hiding in the room and did not come out. Among them is Sun Liangzhi who found fault with Xia Ruo before.

But at this time, no one bothered to care about these cowards.

The battle outside was very fierce, Feng Yan also showed his God of War strength, and quickly dodged the opponent's artillery fire.

He drove the mecha coolly and did many difficult moves, and then sank the opponent's two mechas in succession again.

At this time, he didn't mean to show off, but his mecha piloting skills were very high, and the operation was not comparable to that of ordinary people, so he showed off.

The opponent's mechs were sunk by him three times in a row, which quickly attracted the opponent's attention.

The remaining seven mechas dodged one after another, deliberately avoiding the confrontation with Feng Yan, and then used a formation to move towards Baifeng and the other five.

Five vs. seven, Baifeng and his mecha level is one level lower than the other party's. If not for the good operation skills of the five of them, they might have been knocked down long ago.

However, someone's mecha was also hit, and it was not sunk but could no longer fight.

At this time, Feng Yan rushed in with his mecha, avoided the siege with his superb operation, and sank another mecha.

However, two more mechas were hit on their side. If Feng Yan's mechas hadn't helped to block them, the two mechas would have been sunk as well.

But Feng Yan's mecha also suffered some damage.

As a result, the battle situation began to show a downturn, and Feng Yan's side was completely at a disadvantage.

Adding Feng Yan, three mechas faced six, and the remaining Bai Feng and one other person were besieged by the opponent.

Feng Yan rushed over again, and under his command, the three cooperated to sink the opponent's two mechas one after another.

But the other person on their side was also hit, and the mecha was sunk, and the person inside jumped off first wearing a space suit, avoiding the fate of dying with the mecha.

But it was also very dangerous. An enemy mecha was staring at him at this moment and attacked him.

Suddenly a blue light flashed, and when the gunfire fell, the man followed the blue light and disappeared in place.

Soon, the blue mecha opened the entrance cabin and passed the person in.

The middle-aged man guarding the spaceship couldn't help exclaiming, "It's too strong, General Feng's mech operation is really too strong!"

If it were someone else, it would be impossible for the rescue to be so timely and the operation to dodge so sharp.

The others also looked excited, Feng Yan really deserves to be called the Young God of War.

Now two against four, the opponent's mechs are still double theirs.

However, Feng Yan became more and more fierce as he fought more and more. He held back the firepower of the opponent's three mechs by himself, which made Bai Feng a lot easier, and hit the mechas he was dealing with.

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