Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 408 God-like Mech Operation

It's just that Baifeng's mecha was inferior in level, and his firepower didn't sink the opponent's mecha.

Even if he had the operational advantage, the two sides were at a stalemate.

At this moment, three mechas flew out one after another from the opponent's battleship, and flew towards Feng Yan's back stealthily.

Feng Yan's mecha was facing the three mechas, so he couldn't see it visually.

But the people on the spaceship saw it, and stared at it with wide-eyed horror, and couldn't help shouting, "Be careful!"

Xia Ruo also became nervous. She pursed her lips and watched intently, but she didn't know why in her heart. I believe that Feng Rogue had listened to her words before and would be on guard.

When the three mechs approached, they suddenly fired at Feng Yan.

The faces of the people on the spaceship all changed, just when they thought that the sneak attack of artillery fire was going to successfully land on Feng Yan's mecha.

I saw the blue mecha suddenly made a very difficult, even impossible action, twisting and flying upwards, abruptly dodging the sneak attack of the three mechas.

The people on the spaceship were completely stunned. This scene was really shocking and exciting.

"I dodged, General Feng Zhan actually dodged!" Some even wanted to cry with joy.

It's unbelievable. To them, this is a miracle. How did Feng Yan escape?

Xia Ruo did not let go of her pursed lips, and looked outside with a bit of worry in her eyes.

Although the three mechas did not succeed in the sneak attack, they managed to merge with the other three and displayed a tactic.

The quality of Feng Yan's mecha is slightly better than that of the opponent's. Even if his operation is very good, he can be besieged by six mechas. It is possible to escape with his ability, but it is difficult to sink the opponent. Almost impossible to do.

As a qualified general, he naturally would not abandon his teammates and a whole boat to escape, so he gritted his teeth and insisted on dealing with the six mechas.

The people present also witnessed Feng Yan's God-like driving operation of the mecha.

It's just that there are few people on their side, and the quality and firepower of the opponent's mecha is too strong. Even if Bai Feng finally sunk his opponent and turned around to help Feng Yan, the deadlock was not broken.

Soon, Baifeng's mecha was hit and failed to attack, and was ordered by Feng Yan to withdraw from the battle.

Seeing Feng Yan circling among the six mechas, although there is no sign of defeat yet, it is not good for the time to drag on.

At this moment, the battleship that was originally parked suddenly launched a laser cannon bombardment at Feng Yan's mecha.

This is simply worse, and the people on the spaceship can't help but feel a sense of despair.

The middle-aged man in the guard gritted his teeth, and said to some of the people next to him: "Let's get on the mecha and go out to help!"

Several people were shocked, and one of them said bitterly: "Captain, our mecha level is two levels lower than the opponent's, and our technology is far behind that of Bai Zhan School. If we go out, we will die."

"I'm not afraid of death, but we all went out. If the opponent's mech breaks through our spaceship defense line and comes in later, who will protect the people on board?" he added.

This is the truth. Everyone knows that if you go out, you will die in vain. It is impossible to save Feng Yan.

The level of the opponent's mecha is too high. This is not an ordinary star thief group, but a rich, powerful and well-organized high-level star thief.

If it wasn't because of Feng Yan's formidable combat power, maybe the opponent's mecha had broken through the spaceship and broke in.

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