Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 409 Are you going to break your promise?

For a while, everyone fell into despair, and the atmosphere was silent.

The middle-aged man smashed the floor-to-ceiling windows with his fist in pain. They had never encountered star thieves before. Who would have thought that the first time they met would be a first-class star thieves group.

Xia Ruo looked at Feng Yan who was still entangled with the six mechas, and had to avoid the laser cannon attacks from the battleships from time to time.

While his mecha was damaged, he miraculously used a tricky attack to sink one of the mechas.

However, they were still trapped in the siege, and it was difficult to break out of the encirclement. The artillery fire of the battleship was very fierce.

Feng Yan on the mech operated with one hand while taking out a spiritual potion from his bag and drinking it.

After such a fierce battle just now, not only did he start to get tired physically, but his mental power was almost exhausted, so he could only replenish it again.

He thought he still had the ability to fight, but the mech he was driving was getting more and more traumatic, and even the position indicator of his left leg malfunctioned, and it would fail within two minutes.

The left leg of the mecha is out of order, no matter how powerful he is at operating it, the flexibility of the mecha will be greatly reduced.

He will not be a deserter, he has the honor and sense of responsibility of a soldier, even if he died here today, he will persist until the last moment.

Feng Yan looked up at the interstellar spaceship, and saw many figures in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows from a distance, but he still recognized Xia Ruo who was standing in front at a glance, with bitterness in his mouth.

Are you going to lose faith this time? If this continues, he is afraid that he will not be able to keep his promise and go back.

He took a deep breath, and once again focused on driving the mecha to deal with the enemy. No matter what, he couldn't let Xia Ruo fall into danger, even if he used death to protect him, he would do it.

He calmly and keenly looked for the flaws of the opponent's mech, and he himself was constantly avoiding the artillery attack.

Seeing the tenacious and persistent blue mech, everyone on the spaceship felt admiration, but the breath of despair permeated even stronger.

Xia Ruo has been trying to figure out a way. Naturally, she can't go out to fight with her cultivation base, and she doesn't have a mech.

And even though she has played a mecha experience game, even if there is a mecha in front of her now, her operation skills are not up to the point where she can sink the opponent's mecha.

What should we do? Talismans, formations, and puppet techniques can't be used now!

Xia Ruo calmed herself down and thought about a solution carefully.

Suddenly, she accidentally saw a guqin reflected in the glass window, which was brought aboard the spaceship by one of the music masters.

Her eyes lit up, with an extra brilliance, and she turned to the middle-aged man and asked, "Is there a loudspeaker on the spaceship?"

"It is to be able to transmit the sound inside, so that people in the opponent's mecha can hear it."

The middle-aged man didn't understand why Xia Ruo asked this question, but remembering that what she reminded Feng Zhanjiang was right, he said truthfully: "There is a sound wave sensor on the spaceship, and it can do what you said after it is activated."

Then he changed the subject, "However, this device needs to consume energy on the spacecraft. After using it, even if it is used for one minute, the ion protection time on the spacecraft will be reduced by one minute."

Xia Ruo didn't care about this, "I need to use this kind of light wave device, so please prepare it as soon as possible!"

Hearing her words, everyone on the spaceship was dumbfounded.

"What are you doing? The time of ion protection has been decreasing. If it decreases further, we will be even more dangerous!" One of them couldn't help but say.

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