Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 412 She's Amazing

All the mechas dispatched by the Star Pirates were sunk by Feng Yan and disappeared into space.

The warship that had been bombarding Feng Yan, not only stopped attacking, but put away its laser cannon, then turned around and flew away in one direction, obviously frightened!

The remaining two star thieves on the battleship are not good at fighting and mechs, they have no choice but to run away.

It's just that besides the panic, there is also a kind of sadness in my heart.

Their Star Thief Group is finished!

Feng Yan didn't pursue him, his mech was damaged to the point where he lost his speed advantage, and his attack was almost at the end of the road.

He didn't want to let go of the fleeing star thief warship, so he used the latest positioning system to track it from the mecha, and then sent it to the coming warship of the first battle group.

Yes, the moment the spaceship was attacked, he had already sent a distress signal to the Federation's nearest battle group.

It happened that a warship of the First Battle Group was patrolling the nearest planet, contacted them after receiving the distress signal, and rushed over.

It just takes time to get here.

After the location tracking was sent successfully, Feng Yan drove the mech and flew towards the spaceship with Bai Feng and the others.

Everyone on the spaceship was stunned. Watching such a reversal, it felt like they were dreaming.

"It really succeeded?" The middle-aged man swallowed after a while and asked in disbelief.

Only then did the others come back to their senses one after another, taking a few deep breaths, "It really worked!"

Then Qiqi looked at Xia Ruo with an incredulous look.

Feng Yan created a miracle to turn things around, but Xia Ruo suddenly gave them a sense of mystery because he was inseparable from this person.

How did she manage to detect the number of mechas in the opponent's battleship without using instruments?

Of course, it is also possible that she used some high-end equipment to detect it. They are not sure about this, so they can only wonder!

What made them really feel unbelievable and unbelievable was her piano sound, which actually had the effect of affecting the mech fighters, she was amazing!

Seeing everyone staring at her, Xia Ruo laughed: "Why are you looking at me? I also suddenly remembered to try it casually, and it succeeded unexpectedly!"

"..." The corners of their mouths twitched. They didn't believe this. They didn't know who said it could be done with confidence.

It's just that this may belong to Xia Ruo's secret, even if they are as curious as if they were scratched by a cat, it's hard to ask more questions.

After all, Xia Ruo had at least one-third of the credit for successfully resolving the crisis this time, and they were grateful.

"Ahem, you are too modest!"

The middle-aged man coughed dryly and continued: "In any case, we thank you for your piano music!"

"I will be your fan from now on!" The person with the guard couldn't help laughing.

Others also said one after another: "Yes, we will be your fans from now on!"

They need to listen to and study such a miraculous piece of music.

The masters of the music guild didn't know what to say, and they were very curious. It can be seen that Xia Ruo didn't want to talk about this matter, so he could only swallow what he wanted to ask.

At this time, Feng Yan, whose face was pale but full of energy, brought a few people back.

Everyone looked at him passionately and adoringly.

Feng Yan ignored these people, walked quickly to Xia Ruo, and couldn't help reaching out to hug her.

"Xia Xia, I'm back!"

And thank her for the cooperation of the piano sound at the end, their tacit understanding is so perfect!

Xia Ruo froze at first and then relaxed, reached out and patted his back, "Just come back!"

Feng Yan quickly let go of Xia Ruo, his eyes filled with a smile of keeping the promise, as if there was a tail wagging behind him, asking for favor and praise.

Seeing this, Xia Ruo smiled, and rarely praised him, "You were very handsome before!"

I'm going to sleep, my dears also go to bed early, and continue to update at 12 o'clock during the day, okay~~~

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