Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 413 This is the correct way to open

Feng Yan was praised by Xia Ruo, the tail behind him seemed to be wagging more joyfully, and his handsome face was also somewhat smug.

"That is, I am properly handsome!"

Xia Ruo laughed out loud, "If you say you are fat, you are still out of breath!"

"You've exhausted your physical and mental energy, go and rest for a while." Seeing his pale face and blue eyes, she said.

Others also agreed, "Yes! General Feng Zhan is suffering, you should go and rest!"

Feng Yan felt a little warm in his heart, and only Xia Ruo found out that he was overdrawn, "Okay, I'll go to sleep!"

Xia Ruo handed him a porcelain bottle, "Eat one before going to sleep!"

This is her refining qi pill, which has a very good recovery effect on the body's depletion of flesh and blood.

Feng Yan took it and nodded with a smile: "Okay!"

He went back to his room to rest, and the middle-aged man left with his escort.

Xia Ruo noticed that the masters of the music guild would secretly glance at him from time to time, hesitant to speak.

She said: "I just used up a lot of energy by playing the piano, so I'm going to take a break too!"

The situation just now was more dangerous, and she used the rhythm hypnosis attack without thinking too much.

But now there is a hidden danger. She suspects that this matter may spread quickly, so she has to find a reason to come back, and let these people who play music dispel the idea of ​​exploring and learning.

The technique of rhythm is collected in the library of her immortal mother's family family. It is not a technique that cannot be passed on, but it can only be practiced by practitioners with spiritual knowledge.

These words made the masters present a little puzzled.

Pan Deyue thought for a while and couldn't help but ask, "Did you use your mental strength to play the piano just now?"

Xia Ruo nodded: "Yes! For Guqin music to have a hypnotic effect, it needs additional mental power."

It also makes sense for her to replace spiritual consciousness with mental power, and she can try it herself later.

One of the music masters thought for a while and asked: "Xia Xiaoyou, hasn't your mental power dropped to D level? Can you use mental power to attach to the piano?"

For those who play music, most of their physical fitness and mental strength are at the normal level of C-level, and those who are higher are B-level, and there are very few A-level.

If D-level spiritual power can be attached to the strings to affect mech fighters, then they can too!

Xia Ruo had expected that they would ask this question, so she explained: "I just drank a bottle of mental power recovery potion before I came out of the room, so when I played the piano, my mental power was S-level, otherwise it would not be possible to affect so far. Mech Warrior."

Hearing her explanation, the people present were instantly relieved. Although they felt a little regretful, they felt that this was the correct way to open it.

They said that the physical fitness and mental strength of those mech fighters should be at B level or above, how can they be affected by a person who has fallen to the double D level talent playing the piano.

It would be perfectly normal if Xia Ruo temporarily recovered to S-level mental power.

It can also explain her magical piano sound effect.

There are only a handful of people who have reached S-level spiritual power in the Three Kingdoms. It is no secret that Xia Ruo was once hailed as a genius because of this.

It's a pity that he suddenly fell to D rank, and he will need to use potions that rely on mental recovery in the future.

That potion must have been given to her by Feng Yan. I heard that the quantity produced by Feng Ershao Pharmaceutical Company is very small, and it is impossible for her to drink it often.

The people present looked at Xia Ruo with a bit of pity and sympathy.

Xia Ruo has black hair, even if she falls to D level and cannot recover, she doesn't need other people's sympathy.

But let them be happy, this is the psychology of normal people.

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