Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 421 Is this the first time these two meet?

Feng Yan's eyes were also full of coldness, if he wanted to make Xia Ruo's idea, it would be to make things difficult for him.

"I will definitely investigate to the end and dig out the people who traded with the star thief."

Xia Ruo thought for a while and said: "I suspect that it may have something to do with the forces behind the Xia family. After all, I have evidence of the Xia family's treason in my hands. In addition, since running the farm and private restaurant, my network has expanded a lot , Let them fear!"

Old man Xia had the intention to kill her, but the Xia family didn't have the strength to arrange so many interlocking schemes, and it was impossible to contact the first-class star thief group that attacked them before.

Apart from the forces behind the Xia family, she couldn't think of anyone else she had a big grudge with.

Feng Yan nodded, "I also have such doubts, but we are not afraid, we will always find these cockroaches hiding in the sewer and shoot them to death!"

Otherwise, it would be really disgusting to come out and make trouble from time to time.

"Well, when we find out, we'll settle the bill with them one by one." Xia Ruo took a sip of her coffee.

The toxins in her body caused her to become useless, to seek faults and plot against her, and even wanted to kidnap and kill her. She remembered all these accounts in her heart.

Feng Yan hooked his lips, "Of course!"

Their thoughts coincided with each other again, he was fucking liking Xia Ruo more and more!

After the two of them finished their coffee, the interstellar spacecraft also landed on the Starship Company of the Silver Dragon Empire.

After sitting on the spaceship for more than ten hours, plus the delay caused by the previous attack, it was already early morning in the Silver Dragon Empire.

After getting off the spaceship, everyone was a bit tired.

The Silver Dragon Empire has also received news that the interstellar spaceship has been attacked, and this time they have sent additional protection staff.

A modified bus stopped not far away, everyone got on the bus, and then went through the international customs clearance security check.

After a delay of about ten minutes, after successfully passing through the security check, Xia Ruo looked up and saw a gorgeous and enchanting woman standing not far away.

She was wearing a dark red long dress, with long wavy hair, and her makeup was not heavy but beautiful. Standing there, she was full of aura, like a queen.

This is not her sister, who is it!

Xia Xuan also saw the elegant girl coming out of the security check passage.

The light yellow dress has a delicate and bright face, giving people a sense of elegance and refinement. Standing in the crowd is a beautiful landscape.

The two sisters looked at each other, Xia Xuan walked towards Xia Ruo, walking like flying in the seven centimeter high heels.

Xia Ruo also broke away from the people together, and quickly walked towards Xia Xuan.

Then the two sisters couldn't help but embrace each other tightly.

"Sister!" Xia Ruo's eyes were a little red, she buried her head in Xia Xuan's neck, and called out in a low voice.

Xia Xuan hugged Xia Ruo, her eyes with her head down were full of love and petting, she reached out and patted her head, "Ruoruo!"

It's great to come to a strange world and find your relatives!

Looking at Xia Xuan and Xia Ruo hugging tightly, it seems to reveal a kind of familiarity that they have known for a long time, and even give people the illusion that they are sisters.

Yan Lingfeng, who was standing not far away, was full of surprise. During the days he had been in contact with Xia Xuan, it was the first time he had seen her show such emotional movements and intimate care towards others.

This means that Xia Xuan regards Xia Ruo as very important. Is fate really so wonderful?

If he remembered correctly, this was the first time the two met, right?

Feng Yan also looked at the people embracing each other in amazement, he actually felt an unprecedented dependence from Xia Ruo.

Thoughts similar to those of Yan Lingfeng also came to mind.

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