Xia Xuan and Xia Ruo hugged for a while, feeling the warmth from each other, as well as the familiar soul and breath, and both of them felt a little more sense of belonging to this world.

Xia Ruo got out of Xia Xuan's arms, smiling all over her eyes: "Why did you come to Star Airlines? Didn't you talk about looking for me at the hotel?"

Xia Xuan gently stroked Xia Ruo's hair with her hand, "I heard the news that the starship you were on had an accident, and I couldn't connect through the terminal. I was worried and rushed over!"

She was startled when she first heard the news, and then waited anxiously, even ignoring Yan Lingfeng's stop, and forcibly ran to the Star Station to wait for her sister.

Seeing her baby sister standing in front of her safe and sound, she felt the truth.

Xia Ruo saw the worry in her sister's eyes, and her eyes were filled with warmth, "Because of the accident, passengers on the spaceship will not be allowed to send messages and make calls to the outside world, which makes my sister worry!"

"It's good that you're fine!" Xia Xuan smiled lightly, then took Xia Ruo's hand, "Don't go back to the hotel tonight, go live with me."

Just as Xia Ruo was about to nod, she saw Yan Lingfeng approaching, and she changed her mind and asked, "Is it convenient?"

Both of them have relatively limited identities, especially her sister's status as a princess.

Xia Xuan also noticed that Yan Lingfeng walked to the side, and after thinking about it, it would be inconvenient to live at home, so she said, "Then I'll accompany you to a hotel."

Yan Lingfeng was slightly stunned, and reminded: "Xuanxuan, you can have a whole day to see each other tomorrow, and Xia Ruo is quite tired after being attacked today!"

If nothing happened on the interstellar spaceship, it would be fine for Xia Xuan to take Xia Ruo home, or go to the hotel together.

After all, Xia Ruo was just a student with a talent for ancient music before. Apart from being from the Federation, there are not too many restrictions on her identity.

But on the interstellar spaceship, Xia Ruo showed that she has the musical ability that can affect the combat of mech fighters, so this identity is more sensitive.

They have too much contact here, and they will be suspected of mischief.

People from the Federation will never allow Xia Ruo to live in their house.

Xia Xuan heard Yan Lingfeng's subtext, and she also remembered the video about her sister she saw online.

She could only pull Xia Ruo regretfully and say, "Then I'll pick you up at the hotel tomorrow, and we'll go shopping and eat together."

Originally, I wanted to have a long talk with my sister, but I was restricted by this damn identity.

Xia Ruo is also quite regretful, it has been a long time since she lived with her sister and chatted all night, "Okay, I will wait for you!"

At this moment, Feng Yan and others also came over.

Wearing a battle suit, Feng Yan restrained his anger, and greeted Yan Lingfeng solemnly, "Hello, Your Royal Highness!"

A polite smile appeared on Yan Lingfeng's stern face, "Hello, General Feng Zhan!"

The people who followed felt a little confused. This is the war god prince of the Silver Dragon Empire, and his princess and Xia Ruo hugged each other just now?

Xia Ruo is actually familiar with the Crown Princess of the Silver Dragon Empire? It seems that the relationship is still very good, which is unbelievable!

The more they got in touch with, the more they realized that they couldn't see through Xia Ruo, she could always amaze people.

Soon they put aside these thoughts, Qiqi greeted Yan Lingfeng with international etiquette.

Feng Yan can treat Yan Lingfeng casually, because his identity can also be regarded as the little prince of the Federation, and since they are both gods of war, their identities are equal.

But they can't be so casual, otherwise it would be rude.

After the two parties greeted each other, Xia Xuan dragged Xia Ruo to walk in front. From time to time, there would be low laughter from the two of them talking. Everyone could feel that these two beautiful ladies were in a good mood!

Today's update is over, thank you for the first order, rewards and votes dears, I love you~~~ Tomorrow there will be ten updates, the first wave at 12 o'clock in the old time~~

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