Both Xia Ruo and Xia Xuan were chatting casually, and did not mention anything that could question their identities.

When they reached the gate of Xinghang Company, the two could only part ways temporarily. Xia Xuan got into Yan Lingfeng's car, and Xia Ruo and Feng Yan got into a suspension car that Yan Lingfeng arranged for them alone.

Others got on a bus and went to the hotel they had booked.

The driver was arranged by Yan Lingfeng, so Feng Yan and Xia Ruo didn't say much on the way.

When he arrived at the hotel, Feng Yan sent Xia Ruo back to her room.

After entering, there was no plan to leave immediately.

He looked at Xia Ruo and said, "I've slept too much in the afternoon and I'm not sleepy at all. I'll have a cup of coffee and go back to my room!"

Xia Ruo smiled, "OK!"

She got up and took out the coffee cup and coffee, and made two cups with the hot water in the room.

Feng Yan took a cup, and said casually: "You and Yan Lingfeng's Crown Princess are quite intimate, I don't think you have hugged Zhai Junyan like this before."

Xia Ruo sat on the sofa, "She and I hit it off right away, this must be fate."

"Not only are we both surnamed Xia, but have you noticed that we look a little bit alike?" She and her sister have similar eyebrows, eyes and nose, but they have different temperaments.

Feng Yan shook his head: "I didn't pay much attention to her, I really didn't pay attention to this."

Except for Xia Ruo, no matter how beautiful a woman is, he looks the same, and he doesn't pay attention to their appearance.

"as long as you are happy."

He thought for a while and reminded, "It's just that her identity is different. After the video of you being able to play the piano and affecting mech warriors is exposed, your identity is also different from before. You'd better stay in public places, otherwise you may be afraid that the two countries will have conflicts." People make a fuss about this."

"Of course, I believe you have a sense of proportion, but I'm afraid you'll forget about it after having a good chat," he added.

Xia Xuan is a woman, it is rare for Xia Ruo to like someone so much, he will not be jealous, but like to see her happy.

It's just that the identity of two people is a troublesome matter.

Xia Ruo knew what he meant, "Well, we will pay attention."

Feng Yan changed the topic, "By the way, I heard you play the piano before, and I had a feeling that it could calm and meditate."

"At first I thought it was an illusion, but I saw that many people in the star forum had a similar feeling after listening to the song in the video, so that song really has a calming effect?"

Xia Ruo nodded: "The original function of that song is to meditate, but I can strengthen the strength of those mecha fighters with my mental power, so it has a hypnotic effect."

"To you and others, listening is just meditation."

She couldn't explain spiritual consciousness to Feng Yan, so she used spiritual power instead.

Feng Yan nodded: "So that's it, the effect of increasing mental strength also exists?"

His mental power was imprisoned by the poison and he couldn't use it. Even if he listened to it a hundred times, he still couldn't feel the effect that those people on the Internet said.

Xia Ruo said with a smile: "It has this kind of effect, but it's not for everyone. It is easy to be effective when listening to the music without distracting thoughts, but it is definitely not effective for people who are impetuous or emotional. "

"If there are no distracting thoughts in your mind, will it increase your mental strength every time you just listen to you play the piano?" Feng Yan asked curiously.

Xia Ruo curled her lips and said, "Almost, just listening to the piano music increases the speed of mental power, not as fast as taking medicine directly!"

The sound attack classics she learned are divided into two parts, one is specifically for attacking, and the other is about purifying the soul, helping to meditate, and improving spiritual awareness.

With the improvement of her cultivation, the effect of the piano sound will be better.

Halfway through this chapter, the locker called to advance the time, and I was delayed writing the second half of the chapter with my mobile phone~~ I have to watch the locker after dinner, let’s continue at 18 o’clock~~ There are ten chapters today, I expect all of them It is estimated that it will be around 21-22 o'clock in the evening after posting. If you want to watch it together, let's brush it up after 21 o'clock~~

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