Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 425 If you can't do it, then get out

Xia Xuan remembered some of the comments she read on the Federal News.

She looked at Xia Ruo with a teasing smile, "That handsome little God of War boy wants to follow?"

Xia Ruo smiled and said, "Yes!"

Xia Xuan leaned in front of her, "Ruoruo, are you and the handsome boy okay?"

"I took a special look at you yesterday, and I found that he looks at you with affection, no matter what time you are the focus, it is very obvious!"

Xia Ruo shrugged, "No, he never confessed to me, we get along like friends!"

"Hearing what you said, it's not uninteresting to him!" Xia Xuan blinked.

Xia Ruo never hides from her sister, "I still have good feelings, he was the first person I saw when I came to this world, and he saved me at that time. But if he doesn't confess to me, I won't Be nice to him!"

"Besides, I'm not that easy to chase!" She raised her chin.

That guy used to be arrogant and arrogant, but he offended her a lot. Even if he confessed his love to her, she might not agree.

Xia Xuan already knew what she meant, "That's right, my sister is not so easy to chase!"

"However, I think he is pretty good. He just glanced at me when a beautiful woman like me stood in front of me, which means that as long as this person likes you, he is absolutely loyal." She raised her hand and pulled it out. hair.

Xia Ruo laughed out loud: "That's right, there are too few men who can resist my sister's charm!"

Her sister is very attractive to men no matter in terms of appearance, figure or character, she is quite a flirtatious beauty.

"That is, so you can think about it!" Xia Xuan agreed.

Xia Ruo smiled and asked, "What about you and the prince?"

The smile on Xia Xuan's face froze slightly, "He and I are getting a divorce!"

"Divorce? Because of the night club?" Xia Ruo frowned slightly.

Xia Xuan nodded: "Almost, I always feel that he doesn't trust me very much, and he is a bit defensive."

"I know that he didn't touch that woman about the night club, but he didn't explain it to me carefully, so he made me believe him."

She sneered: "Since I don't explain it, why should I believe it? What else is there to talk about?"

"He didn't even know that the thorn in my heart was not the night club incident, but his attitude towards me."

Seeing her sister like this, Xia Ruo knew that she had feelings for Yan Lingfeng, but it was not deep enough to take the initiative to pull out the thorns for him.

But Yan Lingfeng can be regarded as the first man my sister fell in love with.

"In this case, he really isn't worth it!" Xia Ruo's dislike for Yan Lingfeng because of the night party deepened, "My sister deserves better!"

Although the temperament and temper of the two sisters are very different, many things are almost the same. For example, when it comes to relationships, what they need is wholehearted trust.

If you can't do it, get out!

Even she is the same with Feng Yan, if that guy dares to be like Yan Lingfeng, even if she has a crush on him, she will drive him out of her territory.

Xia Xuan put her chin on Xia Ruo's shoulder affectionately, "That's right, who does Big Pig's Hoof think he is? There are so many men with two legs. It's not like I can't find me so beautiful."

"And the status of this shit princess, I don't usually see much convenience for me, but it is restricted everywhere, super annoying!"

"So I want to divorce Yan Lingfeng, let him go and find his ex-fiancee, I'm too lazy to accompany you, hehe!"

Continue at 20 o'clock~~

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