Hearing her angry words, Xia Ruo felt sorry for her sister.

Yan Lingfeng's big pig's hoof really hurt her sister's heart, otherwise she would never care about her ex-fiancee.

"Yes, let him go, we don't care about the princess!"

Xia Ruo studied the Yinlong Empire and found that the emperors who succeeded to the throne all had queens and concubines, and Yan Lingfeng had several half-brothers.

This country allows men to have multiple wives and concubines, unlike the Federation where only monogamy is allowed, otherwise it is bigamy.

Before her sister got too deep, she quickly dumped her big pig's trotters. Her sister deserves a man with one heart and one heart, so she won't share a husband with other people.

Xia Xuan still leaned on her shoulder, "Well, whoever cares about the princess will take it!"

"Does Big Pig's Trotter agree to divorce?" Xia Ruo asked.

Xia Xuan sighed: "I don't agree, every time I mention it to him, I'm either in a hurry or I pretend I didn't hear it."

"But whether he agrees or not, I want to leave this marriage anyway!"

Xia Ruo knew that her elder sister didn't like restraint the most, so her current status really made things difficult for her.

"Well, let's leave, I support you!" Xia Ruo thought for a while and said, "Sister, you can go live with me in the Federation."

Xia Xuan chuckled lightly: "Okay! I'll come to the Federation to find you after my divorce with Big Pig's Trotter!"

It's just that it seems difficult to implement it. Will Yan Lingfeng or the senior officials of the Silver Dragon Empire allow her to go abroad?

Xia Ruo also knew that it was not easy for her sister to come to the Federation, so she rolled her eyes, "How about I help you smuggle to the Federation."

Xia Xuan raised her head and laughed loudly: "Smuggling is not easy, if you really can't leave in the future, please help me."

She didn't want her sister to be in danger, so she had to figure out a way first.

"Well, no matter what, if you don't want to stay in the Silver Dragon Empire, just tell me, and I will find a way to take you away!" Xia Ruo said firmly.

Xia Xuan stretched out her hand to shave her face, "Okay!"

After the porridge was ready, the crystal steamed buns were also out of the oven, and the sisters took them out to eat.

Xia Xuan took a sip of the porridge with great enjoyment, "It's really a blessing to be able to drink the porridge cooked by my family Ruoruo when you come here!"

Xia Ruo used to learn cooking, besides what she likes, seeing her brothers and sisters like to eat her dishes will also give her a sense of happiness.

"That is, our sisters are finally reunited!"

After Xia Ruo finished speaking, her eyes dimmed slightly, "I just don't know where the big brother is!"

Xia Xuan sighed, "That's right, there's no news about Big Brother!"

"I think big brother must have come here like us."

Xia Ruo paused and said, "I recently opened a Starblog, and I'm going to do a good job of expanding my fan base. I often post things or photos about us. If my brother sees it, he will definitely contact me."

Xia Xuan's eyes showed a gleam, "This is good!"

"It's a pity that my status is limited, otherwise I'd also go to get a Xingbo!" Speaking of this, she was even more annoyed by the status of the princess.

Xia Ruo reached out and patted her arm to comfort her, "It's okay, I'll post it for you later!"

"That's the only way!" Xia Xuan nodded.

After breakfast, the two did not rush out to go shopping, but sat on the sofa and chatted.

Xia Xuan asked: "Ruoruo, last time I saw your background introduction on the Internet, have you left your current family?"

Xia Ruo truthfully told the situation at home, "Anyway, I don't have any feelings, so it's good."

"Sister, what's the situation on your side? I heard that you were deliberately sent by the family to be the princess of Yan Lingfeng, who was already abolished at that time?"

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