Mentioning this, Xia Xuan's eyes turned cold.

"The Xia family I live in is relatively complicated. Apart from taking advantage of it, they want to sell me for a good price. Since Yan Lingfeng's superficial recovery, people from the Xia family still want to ask me for profit from time to time, so I beat them out directly."

What the Xia family did was disgusting to her, especially Yuanshen's father, who was simply a fighter among the scum.

Then she leaned on Xia Ruo, "But like you said, it's good to have no feelings, so as not to have to burden the family!"

None of them are cold-hearted people. They will reciprocate when others treat them well.

Of course, if you want to disgust them, they will not be polite.

The two sat for a while, when there was a knock on the door.

Xia Ruo got up to open the door, only to see a strange man in a white shirt and black trousers standing at the door.

"Who are you looking for?" she asked.

The man replied: "Sorry, I'm looking for the princess!"

Xia Xuan had also walked to the door at this time, and asked angrily, "What are you doing?"

"Crown Princess, you stayed in the hotel for a long time. Our people found spies outside, and the Crown Prince asked you to leave the hotel!" The man said respectfully, which meant that you could leave almost now.

Xia Xuan said with a cold face, "Got it!"

Then he slapped the door shut.

He took out the terminal and called Yan Lingfeng.

After thinking about it for two seconds, Yan Lingfeng's projection appeared in the room.

"Xuanxuan, what's the matter?" There was a trace of gentleness on his stern face.

Xia Xuan's beautiful face was still full of anger, "Yan Lingfeng, should I be a princess or a prisoner?"

"I don't even have the freedom to chat with my friends for a while in the hotel, don't I?"

If Yan Lingfeng was in front of her at this time, she would definitely give him a few blows, and she would be so mad!

Yan Lingfeng said helplessly: "It's not that I want to restrict your freedom, but that someone is following you. If you stay in the hotel all the time, someone will make a fuss about you and Xia Ruo tomorrow."

"With me in the Silver Dragon Empire, I'm not afraid of them jumping around. But as far as I know, Xia Ruo also has enemies in the Federation. Staying together for a long time should be more troublesome."

He knew Xia Xuan's fiery temper, and if he didn't explain it clearly, their relationship would only get worse.

He can suppress the jumping of those people, but he doesn't want Xia Xuan to get caught up in right and wrong, not because he is afraid of affecting him, but simply wants to protect her to get a piece of pure land.

Xia Ruo is Xia Xuan's weakness, she took a deep breath, with a bit of gnashing of teeth: "I'm tired of your schemes, so let's do it!"

After she finished speaking, she took the initiative to cut off the video call.

Seeing Xia Xuan's projection disappear in front of him, Yan Lingfeng's mind echoed her angry gnashing of teeth, with a little smile in her eyes, this woman is always so lively and cute.

After hanging up the video call, Xia Xuan also calmed down a lot.

She herself didn't care, since she was going to divorce Big Pig's Trotter anyway, but she would not be happy if her younger sister got into trouble when she returned to China.

"Ruoruo, let's go shopping." Appear in public places together and talk about things that don't involve the two countries and their identities, so it will be fine.

Xia Ruo shook Xia Xuan's hand, "Sister, don't be angry, I'm not timid, anyone who dares to bully me, I'll change him ten times."

"It's been a long time since we went shopping together, today is just right!"

The forces behind the Xia family are still staring at her, but if because of this, they dare not contact their own sister, then it is not her.

She is not afraid of those cockroaches!

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