Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 430 There is still such a childish side

This is a public place, so naturally Xia Xuan would not do anything to Yan Lingfeng.

Otherwise, tomorrow's headlines will definitely be the crown prince's domestic violence against the prince.

Xia Ruo could tell that Yan Lingfeng liked his sister very much.

This person looked rather stern and introverted, exuding a kind of domineering superiority, but the way he looked at her sister contained a trace of tenderness that he himself might not have noticed.

It's a pity that this identity and the arrogance of some big pig hooves are the reasons why she is likely to be kicked out by her sister.

Xia Ruo and Xia Xuan have been chatting leisurely all the time, and Feng Yan occasionally interjects.

When the dishes were all served, Xia Ruo saw Yan Lingfeng consciously picked up her sister's bowl and made a bowl of soup for her.

This action is more careful, and the soup is also my sister's favorite drink, which shows that this person usually cares about my sister's habits.

Feng Yan's attention was always on Xia Ruo, seeing her gaze on Yan Lingfeng's hand, he quickly reacted.

He took the bowl in front of Xia Ruo, and put a bowl of soup in front of her. This action made Xia Ruo dumbfounded, but this guy is a quick learner.

Xia Xuan also found out, and holding back a smile, she picked up her bowl of soup and took a sip.

The little wolf dog of my sister's house is quite cute.

Starting to eat, Feng Yan picked up a lot of Xia Ruo's favorite food with his serving chopsticks and put them on the plate in front of her.

Xia Ruo didn't refuse his kindness, and started to eat.

Seeing this, Yan Lingfeng did the same thing.

The two raised their heads from time to time, with sparks in their eyes, as if they wanted to compare the comparison.

Bai Feng and the other person have been reducing their sense of existence, and the actions of the prince and the captain almost blinded their eyes.

In addition to feeling that they are very fond of women, they also feel that the two are secretly competing.

They couldn't figure it out, since they are not pursuing the same woman, is it necessary to compete?

Xia Ruo naturally noticed it too, and she didn't expect that these two people had such a childish side.

"His Royal Highness, may I take the liberty to ask you a question?" She raised her head and spoke first to break the calm.

Yan Lingfeng paused the hand holding the chopsticks, and smiled politely: "You ask!"

"After you marry the princess, will you still take concubines in the future?" Xia Ruo asked sharply.

Xia Xuan was also taken aback. She didn't expect her sister to ask this question, but she didn't stop her. She actually wanted to hear it too.

Yan Lingfeng knew that the visitor was not kind, so he smiled and said, "No more!"

For him, there is only one princess now, and only one queen in the future.

He is not keen on women, and falling in love with Xia Xuan is even more of an accident.

He has absolute confidence in himself, and he will not need to rely on women to strengthen his relationship with the big family when he ascends the throne in the future.

Xia Ruo could hear the firmness and seriousness in his tone, and nodded: "Thank you for answering!"

"You're welcome!" Yan Lingfeng was impeccable in etiquette.

After listening to the two people's words, Feng Yan added a sentence next to it, as if to make a guarantee, "I will only marry one in the future!"

"Pfft!" Xia Xuan couldn't help laughing out loud, the little wolf dog of my sister's house is too funny, the only thing missing is "you".

I will only marry you in the future.

Xia Ruo looked at Feng Yan sideways, and said with a smile in her eyes: "You can't help it if you want to marry. The Federation is monogamous. If you marry another one, it will be bigamy. Grandpa Feng will be able to beat you." break your leg!"

"..." Feng Yan twitched the corner of his mouth.

"Pfft!" Even Bai Feng couldn't help laughing out loud this time.

They couldn't help lighting a piece of wax for their captain. It seemed that he still had a long way to go in pursuit!

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