Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 431 The requirements are really low

After a meal, it was quite pleasant, and it was already nine o'clock in the evening when I left the hotel.

Xia Xuan could only follow Yan Lingfeng home, she looked at Xia Ruo and said, "See you at our music exchange meeting tomorrow!"

They can get together for another day, and then the sister will go back to the Commonwealth.

Xia Ruo smiled and nodded: "Well, see you tomorrow!"

Yan Lingfeng drove the car himself, and Xia Xuan sat in the passenger seat.

Neither of them spoke. After driving halfway, Yan Lingfeng broke the silence, "What Xia Ruo and I said was serious."

Xia Xuan glanced at him indifferently, "Whether you accept the concubine or not in the future, it has nothing to do with me!"

Yan Lingfeng took a deep breath, "Xuanxuan, stop making trouble, let's make up, and you can do whatever you want in the future!"

"I don't want to talk to you about this now!" Xia Xuan was tired, why should she stop making trouble? What will happen in the future?

Is she being vexatious? She just has a thorn in her heart.

Yan Lingfeng wanted to say something else, but Xia Xuan raised his hand and rubbed the center of his brows, closing his eyes as if he was very tired, he swallowed the words and sighed!

During this period, Yan Lingfeng's terminal rang, and he glanced at it, frowning and did not answer.

Although Xia Xuan has her eyes closed, her spiritual sense is released. With the blessing of the phoenix natal spirit beast, her cultivation has reached the fifth level of Qi refining.

Accidentally captured the name of the caller on his terminal, could it be the ex-fiancee, she sneered in her heart, is there still a connection?

Are you afraid to answer the phone in front of her? Her good mood of shopping all day was instantly ruined.

The two of them didn't talk anymore. After returning home, Xia Xuan ignored him and went upstairs to take a shower and sleep.

Yan Lingfeng could only continue to rest in the guest room, and Gongsun Shiqi made two video calls to him, but he didn't answer them.

Now that he has decided to give up his original plan, there is absolutely no need for him to have any contact with Gongsun Shiqi.

Otherwise, if Xia Xuan finds out, their relationship will continue to cool down.

After coming out of the shower, the other party called again, and he was a little annoyed and directly pulled him into the blacklist.

There is a cold war here, but Xia Ruo and Feng Yan ran to the bar on the other side.

After getting out of the restaurant, Xia Ruo felt energetic after getting in the car, so she asked Feng Yan if he wanted to play.

She used to like to go to the bar whenever she traveled with her sister, because she prefers to mix drinks.

Feng Yan naturally wanted to stay with Xia Ruo, so he agreed without hesitation.

He drove a hover car alone, and drove Baifeng and the others back to rest. He didn't want the two of them to be their light bulbs, so he drove to the most famous light bar in Yinlongdidu.

The two entered the bar and quickly found an empty seat in a corner to sit down.

There are no private rooms in the bar, and there are sofas next to each other. It is not too late at this time, and there is just one table left.

After sitting down, the two ordered the most famous bartending here.

Feng Yan suddenly thought of a question, "Xia Xia, one thing you promised me before has not been fulfilled yet!"

Xia Ruo looked at him inexplicably, "What?"

"You said you wanted to make me a drink, the kind that never existed in Interstellar, but I never got one!" There was a little grievance on his handsome face.

Xia Ruo also remembered this, "I didn't have the ingredients to make a drink before, so I'll make it for you when I get back!"

Feng Yan smiled, thought for a while and said, "Why don't you make me a drink when it's my birthday!"

It feels very memorable.

Xia Ruo smiled and nodded: "Okay!"

This guy's requirements are really low!

The last chapter has not been finished yet, I am still struggling, it is estimated around 23:00~~

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