Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 436: Really Stupid

Xia Xuan knew her sister's intentions as soon as she heard it, and she nodded after thinking about it.

"Okay, tell him!"

Xia Ruo picked up the terminal and sent Feng Yan a message, "I asked Feng Yan to mention to him what we heard yesterday."

"Okay!" Xia Xuan nodded, "If he chooses to sit by and watch or wants to make things trivial, I will hire a lawyer tomorrow and divorce him publicly!"

At that time, she didn't care whether this big pig's trotter would be ashamed to the stars.

Xia Ruo shook her hand, "Well, if he dares to do this, we'll cover his head and beat him up first, and then you will run away with us!"

Xia Xuan laughed out loud, "Okay!"

Not to mention that if the big pig's trotters were really like this, she would want to beat her up before getting a divorce, otherwise it would be in vain for her to pay so much.

After the two discussed how to beat Yan Lingfeng, Feng Yan on the other side did so after receiving the message from the terminal.

His voice was a little lower, "By the way, there is something about the princess, I don't know if I should tell you."

Yan Lingfeng's originally indifferent eyes suddenly focused, "What's the matter? Please tell General Feng Zhan!"

Seeing his appearance, Feng Yan told him everything he heard from Gongsun Shiqi and her sister last night.

"I think it's scary enough for a woman to be poisonous."

He looked at Yan Lingfeng meaningfully, and said truthfully: "If the princess wears a cuckold for you, your reputation will be greatly affected. She wants to marry you, but she doesn't have much brains."

Yan Lingfeng sneered: "It's really stupid!"

A surge of anger couldn't help but Gongsun Shiqi was so courageous that he dared to plot against his princess.

In the past, it was only because of the plan that they didn't bother to tear themselves apart with the Gongsun family, but now they are shameless.

Feng Yan could feel the cold air emanating from Yan Lingfeng's body, and knew that he took it to heart, "You just need to be more careful tonight!"

"Thank you, I will remember this favor!" He raised his cup to Feng Yan.

Feng Yan had already told him, and Xia Ruo would definitely tell Xia Xuan, if she misunderstood him, it would be troublesome!

And he really didn't expect that at such an international exchange meeting, Gongsun Shiqi would think of such a poisonous scheme, it's really embarrassing to throw it to the stars.

Feng Yan raised his wine glass, "Small idea!"

After everyone arrived, Luo Er walked to the front of the banquet hall in a suit.

Wearing an invisible mic on his clothes, he looked at everyone with a smile and said, "Welcome everyone to come to the Silver Dragon Empire to participate in this interstellar music exchange meeting. I announce that it will officially start now!"

Everyone below applauded.

Lol continued with a smile: "Now the exchange meeting begins, please invite all the music masters who have prepared to come on stage to perform and communicate."

There is a piano behind him, and other instruments need to be brought by themselves.

"Okay!" Many people nodded.

Soon some music masters took the initiative to play on stage, playing the piano, violin, cello, saxophone, trumpet, trombone and so on.

Music masters from the federal side also went up to play the guqin, guxiao, flute, and bells and drums.

Round after round, there is a feeling of a hundred flowers blooming.

It's just that these music sounds ordinary to Sister Xia Ruo. After all, the music in the earth period is much better than it is now.

Xia Xuan asked: "Ruoruo, what are you going to play today?"

Xia Ruo replied: "I'm going to play the plum blossom three times on the pipa, and ambush on all sides on the guqin!"

The feeling of playing the pipa and the guqin is different, and she plans to play both, after all, the ambush from all sides is the best way to arouse emotions.

I'm sorry, I forgot to bring an umbrella when I went out. It rained suddenly and blocked for more than two hours. I came back late~~ Continue at 22 o'clock, okay~~

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