After Xia Ruo finished speaking, she looked at her sister and asked.

"What about you? Are you going to play the piano or the violin? Or together?"

These two instruments are what her sister is best at and likes.

Xia Xuan lazily said: "Play a piano piece if no one provokes you, and play another violin piece if someone provokes you."

"Hmm!" Xia Ruo came with the mission of winning glory for the Federation, so she couldn't be as casual as her sister.

She glanced at Gongsun Shiqi, "But I think sister, you probably want to play together today."

Xia Xuan raised her hands and twisted her hair, "If they really want to seek abuse, then I will do it!"

While the two were talking, Gongsun Shiqi's teacher stood up and walked to the stage.

This is a woman who looks to be in her forties. There is not much smile on her face, giving people a feeling that she is a bit serious and old-fashioned, even mean.

After she came to the stage, she nodded slightly in one direction.

Then a woman on the side of the Federation, who was about her age, stood up and walked to her side.

Xia Ruo recognized that this was one of those who treated her coldly and faintly with disdain before, but it was not as obvious as Sun Liangzhi.

"These two are going to be demons!" she whispered.

Before Xia Ruo could speak, Gongsun Shiqi's teacher spoke.

"We want to bring you different music appreciation today. I will play a piece with Master Li from the Federation. I will use the piano and she will use the guqin!"

This is the first time this kind of cooperation has appeared at a music exchange meeting. It used to be that Western instruments and classical instruments matched each other.

So she mobilized everyone's enthusiasm as soon as she opened her mouth.

"Good!" Some people even applauded.

Gongsun Shiqi also showed a proud look on her face. Her teacher is the real master of music. Xia Xuan and the newcomer Xia Ruo are nothing.

Soon, both of them were in front of the musical instruments, starting with the Guqin, followed by the piano music.

It is not difficult for the two to choose a melody. It is a piano piece with a soft feeling. It matches well and there is no loophole in the sound.

At the end of the song, there was applause from the audience. This kind of cooperation gave people a sense of novelty, and it sounded quite good.

Although the cooperation between the two is not a tacit understanding, it is also quite good. They should have practiced together for a lot of time before.

After the applause fell, Gongsun Shiqi's teacher suddenly set his eyes on Xia Xuan and Xia Ruo.

"I heard that the crown princess and student Xia from the Federation are very talented in piano and pipa, and they are also the only two masters who have been invited to join our interstellar music guild without experience."

"I believe both of you are musical geniuses. I wonder if you can play a piece for us?"

As soon as she said this, everyone knew it was finding fault.

Asking Xia Ruo and Xia Xuan to cooperate with a song suddenly is to make the two of them make a fool of themselves, so they play on stage temporarily, and the tune is not yet determined, how can they cooperate?

The musical genius she spoke of was actually full of irony.

Luo Er, who recommended Xia Xuan to join the guild, and Pan Deyue, who recommended Xia Ruo to join the guild, both frowned in unison.

Does this mean there is something wrong with their recommendations? If you want Xia Ruo and Xia Xuan not to come down, it's like slapping them in the face!

The two exchanged glances, preparing to organize their words to reject the proposal.

Xia Ruo stood up first, "Since this master is so optimistic about us, then we will be disrespectful!"

Gongsun Shiqi's teacher sent them to their door to abuse them. In modern times, their sisters played musical instruments together countless times, and they went up to play a little song.

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