Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 448 Only look at Yan Lingfeng

Feng Yan was a little surprised, why did Xia Ruo directly make a voice call.

He picked it up as quickly as possible, "Xia Xia!"

"Is Yan Lingfeng still sitting with you?" Xia Ruo asked.

Feng Yan felt that Xia Xuan's matter might be involved, "Yes!"

"You take him to lounge No. 3 and tell him something urgent!" Xia Ruo ordered.

Feng Yan responded: "Okay!"

After hanging up the terminal, he looked at Yan Lingfeng.

Before he could speak, the other party hurriedly asked, "Did something happen?"

"Xia Ruo asked me to take you to lounge No. 3, there is something urgent!" Feng Yan said truthfully.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw that Yan Lingfeng had already left the banquet hall quickly, and he also hurriedly chased after him.

The two went to the door of lounge No. 3 and knocked on the door.

Xia Ruo opened the door and waved to the two, "Come in!"

When the two came in, she locked the door behind her.

After Yan Lingfeng entered the door, he saw Xia Xuan who was curled up on the sofa and looked in pain. His heart couldn't help but he couldn't help but walked over quickly and hugged her in his arms.

"What's wrong?" he asked distressedly.

Xia Xuan leaned against his arms weakly, "Ruo Ruo will tell you!"

At this moment, she was so weak that she seemed to be exhausted from speaking.

Yan Lingfeng looked up at Xia Ruo, and she took the lead in telling the truth about what happened just now and the poison on her sister.

"I need Yinsencao as the main drug to suppress toxins, and I also ask His Royal Highness the Prince for help."

After she finished speaking, she thought for a while and added, "I know Jules, so I asked Feng Yan to find him, and I could also get the Yinsencao, but the Crown Princess asked you to come up immediately, which shows that she loves him. You trust me!"

Regardless of whether her sister and Yan Lingfeng can be together in the future, she still feels it is necessary to clarify her sister's attitude.

In fact, my sister chose this way because she wanted to give each other a chance. Now it's all about Yan Lingfeng.

Yan Lingfeng was stunned for a moment, and tightened his arms around Xia Xuan, "Suppress the toxin for her first!"

Then a message was sent, asking someone to send Yinsencao over as quickly as possible.

Seeing Yan Lingfeng's attitude, Xia Ruo felt a lot more comfortable. Being able to choose her sister as her first choice instead of asking other questions showed that this person also attached great importance to her sister.

Seeing Yan Lingfeng hugging her sister, who was also leaning in his arms with a trace of dependence, Xia Ruo turned around and walked in front of the stunned Second Prince.

Then he took out a pill and fed it into his mouth, and kicked his chin with his foot to let the medicine swallow smoothly.

He picked up the five needles that had fallen on the ground before, and stuck them towards several of his acupuncture points.

Seeing this, Feng Yan walked over, "Xia Xia, what are you doing?"

"I'll teach this scum a lesson, so that he won't be able to be a man again!" This disgusting thing actually wanted to attack her sister, he didn't deserve to be a man anymore.

Feng Yan knew what it meant as soon as he heard it, and he didn't sympathize with the second prince. His Xia Xia did this for his friends.

The second prince looked at people like a dog, but he didn't expect to be able to do things like wanting to belittle his sister-in-law, hypnotizing and controlling the princess to steal important news about Yan Lingfeng, it's too shameless and not a thing!

It's really unlucky for Yan Lingfeng to have such a brother.

He not only indulged, but also asked: "Do you want me to beat him up again to vent your anger?"

Xia Ruo likes this about Feng Yan, "Beat him, just don't beat him in the face!"

After all, this is still the Silver Dragon Empire, the second prince's mother is the successor, the beating is too obvious, it will definitely attract people's attention.

They are still in other people's territory now, so there is no need to make a big fuss.

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