Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 449 You Are Enough

Feng Yan tucked up his sleeves, and just as he was about to make a move, Xia Ruo stopped him.

She turned to look at Yan Lingfeng and asked, "We treat your dear brother like this, do you have any objection?"

Yan Lingfeng was a little speechless, and came to ask him only after reaching this point.

"It's up to you, I'll be the one to beat you to death!" His eyes were icy cold, and his voice was tinged with coldness.

His people had found out before that if Xia Ruo was a spy placed by his side by the Xia family, the Xia family had already boarded the second child's boat, and he guessed that the second child might have pushed him a bit.

But I really didn't expect that there was such a paragraph in it, the second child actually poisoned Xia Xuan to hypnotize him, and just now attracted people to want to moles him. Two impulses.

But for today's account, he must make the second child pay a painful price, and he will never tolerate it.

What Xia Ruo did was right, he thought it was good for Xuanxuan to have such a friend.

"Your words are enough!" Xia Ruo hooked her lips, and then let go of Feng Yan.

It seems that in Yan Lingfeng's heart, her sister is more important than these conspiracies.

With Xia Ruo's confirmation, Feng Yan beat Yan Lingtian mercilessly.

The position of his strikes is very delicate, and the bruises and scars will not be seen, but it will hurt very much. This is a skill he learned in special training.

It's just that he didn't expect this trick to be used on the second prince of the Silver Dragon Empire before it was used on the enemy.

After Feng Yan finished Yan Lingtian's walk, the door was knocked again, and Yan Lingfeng's people sent Yin Sencao over.

Xia Ruo took it immediately, then walked to the table not far away, took out the container for preparing the medicine and mixed it.

About ten minutes later, she took a tube of pale silver medicine and handed it to Yan Lingfeng, "Feed her."

Yan Lingfeng took the medicine and paused, "Are you sure this can suppress the poison in her body?"

Before Xia Ruo spoke, Feng Yan became unhappy, "It must be suppressed! If it wasn't for the fact that the princess is Xia Xia's friend, otherwise she would not easily help people prepare medicine."

"If you don't believe it, let other pharmacists see it!"

Yan Lingfeng looked at his excited look and sighed, "I'll make sure, it's not that I don't believe it!"

This is related to Xia Xuan, he dare not use her as an experiment.

"Give me a drink, only Ruoruo can help me suppress and detoxify." Leaning in Yan Lingfeng's arms, Xia Xuan whispered softly.

Seeing that she believed in Xia Ruo so much, he no longer hesitated and fed her the medicine.

Xia Xuan finished drinking the potion and fell asleep in Yan Lingfeng's arms.

Seeing her sister go to sleep, Xia Ruo sighed inwardly. If she trusted Yan Lingfeng so much, could she really get a successful divorce?

After a successful divorce, she should also be emotionally hurt for a while, and she couldn't bear her sister's pain.

Yan Lingfeng hugged Xia Xuan tightly, and adjusted the position of his hands to make her sleep more comfortably.

Then I looked at Xia Ruo, "Thank you for today's matter, leave the next thing to me!"

Xia Ruo nodded and said: "It's okay to thank you, sister Xuan and I don't have to divide this. I'll leave the rest to you. Let's go downstairs to deal with the people from the music guild."

"I'll tell them, did you take Sister Xuan away for something?" she asked.

Yan Lingfeng found that Xia Ruo was young, but acted more prudently and carefully, "Okay, I'm sorry!"

Xia Ruo gave Feng Yan a look, and then the two walked out of the lounge.

The scum inside will naturally be arranged by Yan Lingfeng. If this matter can't be handled well, his crown prince these years will be in vain.

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