Xia Ruo and Feng Yan returned to the banquet hall, when someone asked about Xia Xuan, she said that she was taken away by the prince.

The two are husband and wife, so no one doubted it.

Xia Ruo also found an excuse, said hello to Pan Deyue and the others, and left the hotel first.

Instead of taking the bus, Feng Yan drove the suspension car provided by Yan Lingfeng back to the hotel.

Xia Ruo missed her sister in her heart, but she knew that she must have something to talk to Yan Lingfeng after waking up, and it was not appropriate for her to disturb her.

She felt a little irritable, and she couldn't get into meditation even after practicing, so she took a shower and dried her hair, and then she went to knock on Feng Yan's door in her nightgown.

Feng Yan opened the door and was surprised, "What's wrong?"

"Can't sleep, come to play games with you!" Xia Ruo shrugged.

Feng Yan Taohua's eyes overflowed with a deep smile, and he opened the door, "Okay! I just found a pretty good game recently, let's play together!"

Originally, playing games was just a boring way to pass the time, but if Xia Ruo played together, it would be much more fun.

Xia Ruo entered, and the two of them nestled on the sofa together, entered the terminal and played games.

On the other side, in the lounge of the banquet hall, shortly after Xia Ruo and Feng Yan left, a middle-aged man walked in.

"Your Highness, our people discovered just now that Gongsun Shiqi had someone find a man to sneak in, and that man was looking for the Crown Princess."

The middle-aged man continued against Yan Lingfeng's air-conditioning, "She might be bad for the princess!"

The crown prince had dealt a severe blow to Gongsun Shiqi before, the woman didn't dare to hold grudges against the prince, so she transferred all her resentment to the princess, trying to do something unfavorable.

Yan Lingfeng sneered, "It's just in time!"

He pointed at the second prince who was still in a coma, "Deal with him and Gongsun Shiqi together!"

"Tomorrow I will see a picture of them together on the Internet, let her take the seat of the second wife."

Since they are mixed together, let's be entangled for a lifetime.

Pig teammates like Gongsun Shiqi and Gongsun's family are quite suitable for the second child.

It was the first time for the middle-aged man to feel such a violent chill emanating from his highness. He glanced at the sleeping princess in the arms of the prince, and the second prince, who was alive or dead on the ground, and shuddered.

The second prince also doesn't have eyes, so he dared to point his mind at the princess, this is His Highness's rebellion!

"Yes, I'll arrange it now!"

Yan Lingfeng took off his coat, put it on Xia Xuan's body, and carried her out of the lounge.

The middle-aged man ordered someone to bring Gongsun Shiqi over, and then gave them both medicine.

When Yan Lingfeng brought Xia Xuan home, the lounge of the banquet hall was surrounded by reporters.

This was originally a reporter arranged by Gongsun Shiqi to deal with Xia Xuan, but now it is all used on her and the second prince.

It can be regarded as self-inflicted!

Not long after returning home, Xia Xuan woke up.

Yan Lingfeng gently picked up a glass of water and put it to her lips, "Are you awake? Drink some water to moisten your mouth."

Xia Xuan took a sip of water from his hand, and then looked at him with some complicated eyes.

"I am the spy that Yan Lingtian put by your side, but I don't remember the past. He just unlocked my hypnotized memory today."

"Then I didn't want to be a spy, so I fell out with him."

"Even if we may divorce in the future, I don't want to betray you!"

She said truthfully: "Even if I want to leave, I have to leave in a decent and untainted manner!"

When encountering such a thing, it must be difficult for the big pig's trotters to accept it. It seems that what he hates most in his life is being tricked and betrayed.

Although this was not her act, the original body was indeed a spy who was arranged by his side, and she had to bear these as she became her.

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~

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