Xia Xuan couldn't help feeling distressed, this man was too forbearing, she didn't notice it at all.

Yan Lingfeng was shocked at first. Hearing Xia Xuan's question, seeing her eyes full of worry, he shook her hand and said, "Xia Ruo said everything, I didn't want you to worry before!"

Only his personal doctor knew about these symptoms, and even his doctor didn't know about the tingling pain every moment of the day.

He really didn't expect Xia Ruo's medical skills to be so good that even this one can tell the pulse, the ancient medicine is really amazing!

No, to be precise, it should be said that the ancient doctor Xia Ruo is amazing, and other ancient doctors in the Federation have never heard of it being so powerful.

"Well, I know!" Xia Xuan didn't mean to blame Yan Lingfeng, he had always had the temperament to resist everything by himself.

"Ruoruo, can his condition be treated?" she asked.

Xia Ruo said truthfully: "The problem of meridian blockage, I can use golden needles to help him unblock it, and prepare some pills to relax meridians and activate collaterals, and take it together to solve it."

"However, I can't do anything about the issue of mental power for the time being. I need to refine Tongshi Pill."

Xia Xuan naturally knew Tongshi Pill, which is a kind of elixir that can nourish and restore spiritual consciousness, but the spiritual power and spiritual consciousness are similar, and the effect is probably the same after taking it.

It's just that the younger sister needs to remove the toxins in her body and be promoted to the fifth level of Qi refining, so that she can use her spiritual power to condense the inner fire to make alchemy.

"Then it's better to alienate the meridians first, and then help him refine Tongshi Dan after you can refine alchemy."

If Yan Lingfeng's clogged meridian is not cleared, the situation will be more serious in the future, and the consequences will be more troublesome, and even affect his position as the crown prince.

Xia Ruo nodded, "Okay, if you want to give acupuncture, you'd better do it as soon as possible. I'm preparing some pills at night, and I'll give them to you tomorrow morning."

"Tomorrow morning, you can also apply acupuncture to strengthen it again, the effect will be even better!"

Xia Xuan scratched Yan Lingfeng's palm, "Let Ruoruo help you with acupuncture, the effect is very good."

Yan Lingfeng laughed, and took her troubled hand, "Okay, I'll listen to you!"

Seeing this, Xia Ruo smiled lightly: "Tsk tsk, you have to sprinkle a wave of dog food for treatment!"

Feng Yan looked at Yan Lingfeng and Xia Xuan spreading dog food with envy, when could he and Xia Ruo show their love so openly!

Seeing Feng Yan's envious expression, Yan Lingfeng was speechless!

This guy heard that he was arrogant and reckless in the Federation, and he was completely sideways. He was quick-witted and brave on the battlefield.

"You can spread it too!" He said with a teasing smile.

Feng Yan's eyes lit up, he approached Xia Ruo with a smile and said, "How about we give them a handful too?"

Xia Ruo glanced at him amusedly, "They are husband and wife, shouldn't it be right to spread dog food?"

"So go ahead and play." She pushed his approaching handsome face away.

Feng Yan choked, "Tsk, heartless woman!"

Looking at the two of them, Xia Xuan couldn't help but almost laughed out loud, her sister's little wolf dog is so innocent and cute!

It should be interesting to tease and play frequently. She enjoys it when she sees her sister, so she doesn't point it out.

Just next to it was a lounge that was originally used for massage, and several people walked in.

Xia Ruo used acupuncture to dredge the meridians for Yan Lingfeng. She used her spiritual power and was promoted to the fourth level of Qi Refining. The effect was much better than the previous acupuncture.

There are still two chapters in an hour, and the writing was hurt a few days ago, and I often go out, so the writing is super slow, I will adjust the state stabilization time as soon as possible, okay~~

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