Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 457 I really don't want you to go

Xia Ruo spent a lot of spiritual power for Yan Lingfeng's acupuncture to dredge the meridians.

However, the effect was also very significant. After the end, Yan Lingfeng felt that the stinging and swelling pain on his body had been relieved a lot, and his power was running much more smoothly.

The effect and speed of this treatment are too astonishing, if he hadn't experienced it himself, he would never believe it.

"Miss Xia's medical skills are really superb. After acupuncture, I feel a lot more relaxed. It's amazing!"

He rarely compliments others, but this time he spoke from the bottom of his heart.

Before Xia Ruo could speak, Feng Yan smiled and said, "Of course, Xia Xia's medical skills are number one in our Federation."

"She is not only a master of music, but also a master of medicine." There was a kind of arrogance on his handsome and flamboyant face, as if he was the one who possessed such means.

Xia Xuan also agreed, "My Ruoruo's medical skills are definitely the best in the universe, and I can't find a second one."

Xia Ruo chuckled: "I'm almost ashamed of what you're boasting!"

Yan Lingfeng laughed, "They are right to boast!"

Xia Xuan abducted him with her hands, "It seems that you also have discernment."

"How could I fall in love with you if I have no vision?" Yan Lingfeng pulled her into his arms and smiled lowly.

Xia Xuan raised her head and smiled brightly, and put her arms around his waist, "You have a strong desire to survive! You passed the test!"

Feng Yan had the urge to leave, he was a bit full of this dog food.

Xia Ruo's eyes overflowed with a thick smile, and her sister and Yan Lingfeng seemed to be in perfect harmony and a good match.

Choosing between her sister's sad divorce and escape, and her current happiness, she would of course prefer to see the latter.

The four of them went to play ball, horse riding, shooting games, etc., and played until the afternoon.

Xia Ruo is leaving tomorrow, so I borrowed the kitchen of this clubhouse and cooked a sumptuous dinner, all Xia Xuan's favorite food.

Xia Xuan ate with a smile on her face, and kept praising Xia Ruo. She felt very happy to have a younger sister, a husband, and the familiar smell of vegetables.

The only regret is missing my brother.

Yan Lingfeng had heard that Xia Ruo's cooking skills were good before, and he couldn't imagine it without trying it.

But after tasting these dishes, he couldn't help but sigh, this is definitely the most delicious meal of raw vegetables he has ever eaten since he was a child.

Not to mention Feng Yan, as long as Xia Ruo made it, he would love to eat it!

After dinner, Xia Xuan went home, and Xia Ruo went back to the hotel.

After returning, Xia Ruo took out a lot of medicinal materials from the space of the fairy magic vine, and began to prepare pills for soothing meridians and activating collaterals.

Early the next morning, Xia Xuan and his wife came to the hotel very early.

Xia Ruo helped Yan Lingfeng do acupuncture again, and passed the pills after it was over.

"Take one pill a day, after you finish this bottle, all your blocked meridians will be healed!"

Yan Lingfeng took the porcelain bottle, "Thank you!"

"You can come to me if you need anything in the future, and those who are within the scope of my ability will definitely not shirk!" He said.

Xia Ruo did not refuse, "If there is any trouble, I will not be polite."

Xia Xuan held Xia Ruo's hand reluctantly, "I really don't want you to go! I don't know when we will meet again."

The three brothers and sisters used to live together. Even when they were in college, they could see each other every week when they went home, making appointments to go shopping, or go on vacations together.

Now separated by two countries, and still subject to identity restrictions, the phone calls cannot be too frequent, so uncomfortable!

Xia Ruo was also very reluctant to part with her sister, she stretched out her arms and hugged her, "I will come back to the Silver Dragon Empire when I can make alchemy."

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