When Bo Siyu spoke like this, firstly, he really wanted to drink the coffee from Xia Ruo's farm, and secondly, he wanted Xia Ruo to get closer to the rest of the team.

After all, all four of them are from the First Academy, and only Xia Ruo is from the Second Academy.

Xia Ruo was very clever, and took out a can of coffee, homemade sugar and milk from the space.

"Let the waiter make a few cups, and you can add things according to your own taste."

"Ruoruo is refreshment!" Bo Siyu asked the waiter to bring the coffee to brew.

Several people chatted, Xia Ruo mainly listened to them.

Soon, five cups of coffee were served, and Lan Zhe and the others' eyes lit up when they smelled the aroma.

If you like sweet, add sugar and milk, if you don't like sweet, drink the original flavor.

"Smells good!"



Several people spoke very well about the coffee, no wonder Bo Siyu asked Xia Ruo to contribute coffee as soon as Bo Siyu came.

Xia Ruo said with a smile: "You guys like to drink, I will bring more during missions."

"Haha, with classmate Xia joining us, not only do we have a doctor, but we can even solve the problem of drinking!" Cheng Ming said with a hearty smile.

Lan Zhe chuckled: "I heard that the tea produced by Xia's farm is also delicious, can we drink it together during the mission?"

"Yes, I can't guarantee anything else, enough coffee and tea!" Xia Ruo nodded.

Sure enough, a cup of coffee brought them closer.

The atmosphere was very harmonious, Bo Siyu said: "Let me tell you about the specific content of this mission and the distribution of rewards."

This made the others stop joking and look at him seriously.

"The goal of this mission is to capture the Bauhinia Beast alive. I don't know the exact location yet. The employer only told me that it is on a half-desolate star under the jurisdiction of the Federation. The exact location will be marked tomorrow after boarding the special spaceship provided by the employer. come out."

"The Bauhinia beast is very rare and precious. It is a normal confidentiality measure for the employer to do so. Don't worry, everyone. I have checked the identity and credit of the employer and found out that it is reliable."

Perth Yu paused and said: "There are three kinds of rewards for the task, five million star coins, five hundred energy stones, and a bottle of level-4 potion chosen at random for each person."

"It's equivalent to one million star coins for each of us, one hundred energy stones and a bottle of fourth-level medicine. The gains on the road belong to us."

"Xia Ruo wants purple loquat leaves, so she gave up the rewards of the mission. We share the star coins and energy stones equally, and the potions are exchanged for star coins. If anyone wants it, you can also buy it with star coins. The few of us Minute."

He continued: "Although purple loquat leaves are scarce in the market, their uses are relatively narrow. The rewards for Xia Ruo's tasks are not much different from the market value, so she will share equally with the extra gains we find."

"Do you have any objections? I don't have any!" Bo Siyu called Xia Ruo, and naturally he was partial to her.

Zhai Junyan immediately echoed, "I have no objection either. In this calculation, it is actually a loss. After all, taking out the purple loquat leaves may not necessarily bring you a good price."

She must be more inclined to Xia Ruo.

Neither Bo Siyu nor Zhai Junyan objected, and Lan Zhe glanced at each other, "We have no objection either!"

The method of distribution was decided in this way, Xia Ruo was very satisfied, and she didn't care about the rest, but Zi Paye had to agree that she would be paid for the task, so that she wouldn't argue in the future.

"The difficulty of this task, the mercenary guild has set it as A-level. It is not easy for us, so everyone go back tonight and prepare well, and you must not take it lightly." Bo Siyu reminded.

"it is good!"

For several people to join this mission, besides getting paid, the most important thing is experience.

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