After Xia Ruo returned to the farm, she asked Fei Yu to pick a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits, and then put them in the space for later use.

I also went to the medicine field to pick a lot of medicinal materials and took them with me. I also drew some talismans and matched them with potions and pills.

In the evening, she texted and chatted with Feng Yan for a while, she went to bed without practicing, and she had enough energy.

Early the next morning, when the sky was slightly bright, Bo Siyu called to say that he was at the door.

Xia Ruo woke up early, made a few breakfasts and took them out.

When we got in the car, the others were already there.

She shared a portion of finger cakes and soy milk each.

They didn't expect Xia Ruo to prepare breakfast for them, and they took it one by one in surprise, eating with a smile on their face.

"I originally thought of going on the interstellar spaceship to eat nutritional supplements and deal with it casually, but I didn't expect to have such a delicious breakfast, it's great!" Cheng Ming said after eating.

Xia Ruo's breakfast is really delicious.

Lan Zhe said with a smile: "I heard that Xia's cooking skills are very good. The elders of my family went to your private restaurant once, and they were full of praise when they came back."

He gave a thumbs up, "It's a pity that my dad didn't get a seat after booking several times. Today, I can sort of taste it, and it's really good!"

"If we are versatile, our cooking skills are definitely top-notch. What is this breakfast? She will also cook a lot of recipes from the ancient earth period, so delicious that you can swallow your tongue!" Zhai Junyan put his hand on Xia Ruo's shoulder The appearance of a pair of fans.

Bo Siyu nodded in agreement: "It's really delicious, but it's hard to find, and the location of the private restaurant is also very hard to find."

His grandfather and several elders in the family like the dishes in Xia Ruo's private restaurant very much, but it's a pity that it really takes a lot of effort to make a reservation, and it's very lucky to be able to make a reservation for one day a week.

Of course, Mr. Feng and Mr. Xie have their own aura of cheating. Recently, the two of them have been surrounded by a group of old men in the circle all day long, just to get the location of the private restaurant through the back door.

The two old men are very popular now!

His grandfather went to eat a meal yesterday under the honor of thanking the old man, and when he came back, he boasted a lot, and then compared him with Feng Yan for the first time, and scolded him...

For a meal, the old man has gone crazy, and he is even more innocent and lying on the gun.

This time, he seemed to have a good relationship with Xia Ruo, and untied the knot that threatened her when they first met, otherwise this woman had always been cold to him.

Xia Ruo smiled and said, "Thank you for your compliments!"

The car drove to Star Airlines, but the few people took another dedicated passage to a private spaceship landing pad.

It can also be seen from this point that the status of the employer is definitely not low, and it is also very embarrassing.

This is a private interstellar spaceship. Although it can only accommodate thirty people, all the equipment on the spaceship is the top of the interstellar.

In addition to the spaceship captain and deputy captain, there is also a spaceship steward and several attendants.

The butler looked to be about fifty years old, with a more elegant and refined demeanor.

He stood in the cabin and looked at the people with a smile, "Welcome everyone, you can call me Butler Jin, and you can find me if you have anything to do on the way to the mission site and back."

"The rest cabin has been opened, and several of you can choose a room to rest, or you can go to the lobby to sit!"

Bo Siyu said: "Let's go to the hall first, we can also learn more about the mission!"

No one else objected, butler Jin led them to the hall himself.

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