Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 464 I like it too

The lobby is more luxuriously furnished, and the staff are not robots, but waiters.

Soon they brought drinks and original snacks.

The location of the hall is relatively spacious. Xia Ruo found that the seats are more comfortable and spacious than the previous starship. The owner is definitely not as simple as being rich.

Bo Siyu sat down and said, "Boss Jin, we've boarded the spaceship, can you tell us the details of the destination now?"

Manager Jin sat across from them and said with a smile, "Of course, you have the right to know."

"However, in order not to reveal the location of the Bauhinia Beast, the spaceship will temporarily block your terminal signal before you arrive at the mission site. I hope you understand this."

Bo Siyu nodded: "That's no problem!"

The others did not object either. Many of the tasks assigned by the employer to the location could not be notified or leaked in advance.

Manager Jin raised his hand and moved, and a phantom of a region map appeared in front of several people.

His finger pointed to one of the areas, and then the area continued to enlarge, looking like a real satellite projection.

"The Bauhinia beast is on the eighth and a half barren planet, and this is the area where it mainly operates."

"This is where our spacecraft is parked, and it is also the main supply city of this planet."

"There are flying beasts hovering over the forest, and they will attack at any time, so our spaceship cannot park here. After you get down, you need to go through this virgin forest by yourself."

Then he pointed to a location in the forest, "There is a small semi-deserted town here, you can go here to resupply."

"It's just that the living environment in the half-desolate star is harsh, and the law and order are very chaotic. Except for the original residents, most of the people who come to the small town temporarily are mercenaries and beast hunters. There are often incidents of robbery and killing in the forest. You have to pay attention to your own safety. .”

"This area is the most dangerous. There are many mutated and ferocious beasts infesting, as well as mutated plants and mutated insects attacking. You have to pass through this area to reach the area where the Bauhinia beasts live, which is your destination."

He finally clicked on the area in the very center of that area.

"Now you can ask any questions you have, as long as I know, I will tell you the truth!"

Lan Zhe asked: "Since there are so many beast hunters and mercenary groups here, and there are many original residents, why hasn't the Bauhinia Beast been discovered yet?"

"First, the instrument we used to detect the Bauhinia beast is the best in the entire universe. It took a year to find the location where its energy wave radiates."

"Secondly, the area I pointed out just now is very dangerous. In addition to exotic animals and plants, you may also encounter natural poisonous gas barriers, etc. Without a powerful doctor following you, you will definitely be close to death."

"Those aboriginal residents never dared to set foot in. After the mercenaries and hunters went in, almost none of them came out alive. Therefore, this place became a forbidden place."

Cheng Ming frowned and asked: "So that's the case, no wonder the task level is set to A level."

Zhai Junyan's eyes glowed, "It's exciting when it's difficult and dangerous, I like it!"

"..." Several people wanted to help their foreheads, but this battle madman was different.

"I would also like!"

Xia Ruo smiled and continued: "Danger always coexists with opportunity. Since it's so dangerous, it means you should be able to meet a lot of good things!"

Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many mercenaries and hunters coming.

There are two more chapters in an hour~

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