It's not uncommon for them to dress up like this. People who come here and don't want to reveal their identities will cover themselves up.

"Captain, that's Xia Ruo, and next to him is Bo Siyu, the heir of the Second Legion." A person behind stepped forward and said in a low voice.

The red-haired man narrowed his eyes, "I wanted to look for them, but I didn't expect to meet them so soon. It really didn't take much effort!"

"Are we acting here?" the man behind asked.

The red-haired man glanced at him coldly, "This supply city is still a city of the Federation. It is very difficult for us to succeed here, and it will bring unnecessary trouble, idiot!"

"Send someone to follow them and act after leaving the city!" He said coldly.

"Yes!" The people behind were very respectful.

Information on the black market can be bought as long as you have money, and different grades have different prices.

Bo Siyu bought a piece of information of the highest level, which included the division of the city and its active nearby forces, and a map of the entire half-desolate star, with dangerous places marked on it.

After the news of the purchase came out, in view of the lesson of the previous group, the other people who were about to make a move refrained from doing anything to the two of them.

Xia Ruo found that there were quite a few people following behind, and it wasn't one of the forces.

"Aren't you going to clean up the rats in the back?" Xia Ruo asked when they reached the end.

Bo Siyu smiled: "After going out, someone will naturally come to clean up!"

Xia Ruo understood immediately, it seemed that the Bai family or the Second Battle Group also sent someone to secretly protect him.

"Then I'll leave it to you!" She didn't bother.

"Okay!" Bo Siyu was more graceful, how could these things bother the lady.

The two left the streets of the black market, and Xia Ruo found that soon someone blocked the way of the follower.

Not only those who protect Bo Siyu, but also those who secretly protect her.

The two went back to the hotel directly, and Zhai Junyan and the others did not come back until a few minutes before ten o'clock in the evening.

Several people gathered the news and came to the conclusion that this place is very chaotic. Leaving the supply city means that you have to be with danger at all times.

Not only from the harsh environment and threats such as mutant beasts, but also from a gang of star thieves!

"I didn't expect this place to be the old nest of the B-rank big star bandit group. It is said that the road leading to the front area is blocked by them." Cheng Ming said.

Bo Siyu took out the map he bought and pointed to several places: "These are all stationed by the Star Thief Group. We only have two choices."

"One is to pass through the canyon here and avoid the blocking route of the Star Thief Group, but there are many natural dangers hidden here, and there are many uncertain factors!"

"The second is to confront the Star Thieves directly head-on, break out and enter the central area."

As soon as Bo Siyu finished speaking, Zhai Junyan said: "Obviously, we choose the second option!"

"This group of star thieves are doing a lot of evil, we can't let them go."

She shook her hands with a fighting look on her face, "If it falls into my hands, they will look good."

This is a gang of star thieves who often wander among several half-desolate stars and imperial capital stars to plunder. They can also trade slaves and people, but they are usually like loaches. They can slip away every time the battle group is sent to hunt them down .

This accidental discovery is also a rare opportunity.

Bo Siyu frowned slightly, "Sister Zhai, please remember that we are not here to suppress bandits this time, but to do a mission."

"With a few of us, it is impossible to successfully destroy such a big star thief group, so I suggest to contact the war group and let them dispatch, we can cooperate!"

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~

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