Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 472 Are you sure?

Bo Siyu considered more thoughtful and safe issues, and Zhai Junyan did not object.

"Okay, then you should hurry up and contact the Second Battle Group to send a team to destroy the Star Thief Group. This half-desolate planet is also under the jurisdiction of the Second Battle Group."

Bo Siyu nodded and sent a message.

As the heir of the second war regiment, he has the authority to mobilize the war regiment's team to destroy the Star Bandits.

"Then let's talk about the chosen route now."

He looked at Xia Ruo and the others and said, "Since we want to wipe out this star bandit group, let's go around it, otherwise we're afraid of arousing the enemy. Their weapons and equipment are relatively sophisticated, and the risk of our assault is actually greater."

Cheng Ming and Lan Zhe said indifferently, "We will listen to you."

The families of the two belonged to the Bai family, and it could be considered that Bo Siyu had grown up together since he was a child, and he was also part of his team when he entered the battle group in the future.

Xia Ruo also commented, "Yes!"

There were only five of them, and if the opponent had many people and strong firepower, it would indeed be more dangerous than detours.

As a person who often goes to secret lands for experience, she is very familiar with survival in the wild and avoiding danger, which is more beneficial to her.

Although Zhai Junyan really wanted to fight with the Star Thieves, she also knew that she had no objection.

The route was determined in this way, and Bo Siyu waved his hand and said, "Everyone go back to the room to rest, and leave at seven o'clock tomorrow morning!"

"it is good!"

While several people were returning to their rooms, they were in a shop in the underground black market.

A man in black hurried in and said to the red-haired man sitting at the top: "Captain, they brought the elite protection of the battle group, but we still found the hotel where they stayed through clues."

He put the hotel name on the newspaper and asked: "How do we act?"

The red-haired man said coldly: "They will definitely take action tomorrow morning, send someone to monitor the hotel, and report immediately if there is any movement!"

Then he took out the terminal and sent a message to the leader of the Star Thief here.

After Xia Ruo returned to her room, she received a short message from Feng Yan.

Feng Yan: How is the situation on your side?

Xia Ruo: I found some clues, and I will go to the mission site tomorrow, where are you?

Feng Yan: The Black Star's riot was organized by the Alliance of Starry Sky Beasts. I suspect it was their conspiracy, and we have to guard against their rebellion. You should also be careful on your side!

Xia Ruo: Well, I will pay attention!

The two texted and chatted for more than half an hour before ending.

The next morning, just after dawn, the five of them left the hotel and got on the off-road vehicle to set off.

After leaving the supply city, he drove towards the mission site all the way, but followed the detour decided before.

Xia Ruo's spiritual consciousness is very sensitive at the fourth level of Qi Refining, and with the blessing of the chaotic soul, it can be compared to the spiritual power of a sixth-level supernatural being.

After driving for about an hour, she said, "Someone is following us."

The people in the car were all stunned, apparently none of them noticed this.

"Are you sure?" Bo Siyu still believed in Xia Ruo's ability.

Xia Ruo nodded: "Sure, follow us at a distance of about 500 meters to 1,000 meters!"

"Drive the car away first, I'll adjust the satellite to check the details!" Bo Siyu entered the terminal.

This is a semi-deserted star under the jurisdiction of the Second Battle Group, which can be located within one or two kilometers around him by satellite.

Soon, he really saw a land off-road vehicle following from the satellite projection.

"Sure enough, there is a car following us behind us. The radar on our car can't detect it. It must be that they have installed anti-reconnaissance equipment on the car. They are so prepared, the visitor is not good!"

Go out for a while, if there is no one at 17 o'clock, come to brush at 19 o'clock, okay~~

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