Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 473 Is this thing reliable?

When Bo Siyu confirmed that there was a car following him, the three of Cheng Ming were all surprised.

How did Xia Ruo find out? Hasn't her mental strength dropped to D level?

Zhai Junyan asked: "Then let's clean up first?"

Bo Siyu thought for a while, "This road leads to the center of the primeval forest. They haven't made a move, so don't worry about it."

"If we detour from the Star Thief Group station and they are still following, I will let someone clean up first."

Everyone knew that apart from the person following them, there were two cars that were specially protecting Xia Ruo and Bo Siyu about three hundred meters behind.

"it is good!"

Xia Ruo gave birth to a feeling that the car following behind would bring them danger. She took out the materials she had bought before and refined the drawing talisman.

She can still do simple fireball talismans and blasting talismans.

Bo Siyu and the others saw that after Xia Ruo had condensed the materials, he dipped a brush and drew something on something that looked like paper but not paper. It looked like symbols, all of which were ancient characters, and they were a little curious.

"What are you painting?"

Xia Ruo didn't hide it either, "It's a kind of talisman that can attack, just in case, I'll draw some spare ones!"

"Can this thing attack?" Zhai Junyan picked up a talisman drawn by Xia Ruo and looked left and right, "How powerful is the attack?"

Xia Ruo said with a smile: "It's no problem to deal with the supernatural beings who have been injured to the third or fourth level."

"..." Several people twitched the corners of their mouths, meaning that this talisman can still hurt them?

Among them, only Zhai Junyan just entered the fifth level, Bo Siyu was at the fourth level, Cheng Ming and Lan Zhe were at the third level, and Xia Ruo was at the first level.

"How do you attack this? Just throw it out?" Lan Zhe also picked up one and looked left and right, but he didn't see any tricks. Is this thing reliable?

"Yes! This has the power of a B-level energy cannon?" Cheng Mingye didn't quite believe that this paper-like thing could hurt him.

If they don't dodge, they will be seriously injured if they are hit by the B-level energy cannon, and they will almost die if they come a few more times.

Perhaps the structure of the source cannon is very complicated, and energy stones are needed as a driving force, and the cost is not generally high.

Xia Ruo can have that kind of effect by just painting casually? They thought it was a joke.

"It's less powerful than the B-level energy cannon, but it has a smaller attack range and is more accurate than the energy cannon, and it's hard to defend against. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages." Xia Ruo also knows that no one will believe this kind of talk, but it is fact.

It would definitely be useless if she just drew at random, but she drew with spiritual power, so the power of the blessing talisman has such a high attack power.

Bo Siyu also picked up one to play with, "Is this the kind of talisman from the ancient earth period?"

Xia Ruo smiled and said, "You still know about talismans!"

"I used to read in the ancient books that it was said to be miraculous, but I haven't seen it before."

Bo Siyu continued with a smile: "It seems that this time I can witness it with my own eyes."

He is different from Lan Zhe and the other three. He has experienced Xia Ruo's medical skills and seen how powerful the formations can be produced on the farm. In addition to these time contact, he feels that this talisman may really bring them surprises.

"How do I use this? Just throw it out?" he asked.

This time we are doing the task together, and Xia Ruo is going to give two cards to each person, "No, you need to use your mental power to activate the talisman, and then go out towards the target person to play an attack role!"

"Ruo Ruo, shall we try?"

Zhai Junyan has never heard or seen such a miraculous thing, if it were someone doing it like this, she would scoff, but if it was Xia Ruo, she would still believe it for the most part.

I just got home, I’ll write as soon as I eat something, and continue at 22 o’clock, okay~~

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