Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 477 The Really Troublesome

The off-road vehicle provided by the employer is of good performance, and it is still intact after being blown up.

However, the attackers did not expect to blow up the few people in the car in one go.

Several cars separated and surrounded the people who jumped off.

Bo Siyu and the others summoned the mecha without hesitation, and then formed a circle, subconsciously protecting Xia Ruo who had no mecha in the center.

Bo Siyu looked at the people getting off the car, and asked coldly, "What are you going to do?"

One of the men wearing black sunglasses smiled and said, "Of course I want to invite you, Mr. Bai, to be our guests."

"Don't worry, you are worth more alive than dead."

Bo Siyu sneered: "If you want to catch us, you have to see your skills."

Immediately, he took the lead in driving the mecha towards them, obviously wanting to fight for a way out.

"Xia Ruo, you run first!" He said to Xia Ruo through the bracelet.

"You don't want to be deserters, but I can?" Xia Ruo asked indifferently while standing.

Bo Siyu choked, not knowing what to say.

Zhai Junyan and the others also rushed up in the mecha, and soon became one with these star thieves.

The other party may regard Xia Ruo as a drag and no threat, so they directly ignore her melee.

Xia Ruo looked in one direction. In her eyes, these star thieves were just a group of mobs. Although there were more people, they would definitely not be the opponents of Bo Siyu and the others in the end.

The really tricky ones are coming soon!

Sure enough, as Xia Ruo expected, Bo Siyu and Zhai Junyan's combat power was very strong, especially Zhai Junyan's high-end mecha combined with her fifth-level ability, swept away a star thief.

Cheng Ming and Lan Zhe were blessed with armor, and their combat power was not comparable to those with abilities of the same level.

Even if the number of people is not dominant, it is hard to beat the winning percentage by a few people.

Suddenly, an extremely domineering off-road vehicle drove over, and everyone showed serious expressions.

Then the cross-country stopped not far away, and a red-haired man wearing a shell cap and sunglasses came down, only his fair and delicate chin could be seen.

Behind him jumped down one after another three men who were also wearing sunglasses and hats, covering most of their faces.

"Sixth-level superhuman!" Bo Siyu looked at the red-haired man in surprise.

This is definitely not something that B-rank star thieves can do. Who wants to deal with them behind the scenes?

Zhai Junyan and the others were also horrified. The other party actually sent a sixth-level superhuman and three fourth-level superhumans, plus a gang of star thieves to besiege them. This is not a small feat.

"Who are you?" Zhai Junyan asked.

The red-haired man played with a lighter, "Once you leave with me, you will know about it!"

Xia Ruo looked at the eyes of several people and shrank slightly, and said solemnly: "They have a different aura from people, they should be alien beasts in the starry sky, they can't be caught by them!"

She has never seen the alien beast in the starry sky, nor has she been in contact with its breath, but she knows the monster beast.

Whether it is the blood or breath of the other party, they are very similar to monsters.

She has checked the alien beasts in the starry sky, and they can basically transform into human forms after birth. Their technological strength is not weaker than that of the Three Kingdoms, and some of them are even more advanced.

It was also from these aspects that she judged that the other party was a starry sky beast.

"What? A starry sky beast?"

Bo Siyu and the others were even more surprised, but they believed in Xia Ruo's judgment. It was because her previous detection performance was miraculous.

Bo Siyu narrowed his eyes, and looked at the leader of the Star Thief Group, "You are so bold, how dare you collude with the alien beast in the starry sky!"

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