Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 478 I won't tell you

Bo Siyu's words were both a question and a temptation.

Sure enough, the leader's face changed, and he snorted coldly: "So what about colluding with the alien beasts? The Federation's battle group has always wanted to destroy us, and we can get a lot of benefits by cooperating with the alien beasts." .”

For them, the affiliation of any federation is not as important as their interests.

As soon as he finished speaking, the red-haired man's thin lips parted slightly, "Idiot!"

This idiot was completely leaked out by a set of words. If it weren't for this half-desolate star and only the Star Thief Group can cooperate, he would never choose them.

Immediately, he took off the hat and sunglasses he was wearing and threw away, revealing a delicate and handsome face, a pair of elf-like ears, and a pair of deep blue eyes that seemed to be captivating.

The other three also showed their true faces when they saw this. Their ears were pointed and long, but their appearance and temperament were much worse than those of the red-haired man.

Bo Siyu looked at the alien beast in the starry sky who directly revealed his identity, and his heart sank.

Because the starry sky beasts are much stronger than humans in terms of physical fitness, and they also have innate supernatural powers, their sixth-level ability is comparable to their nearly seventh-level supernatural beings.

Their strongest Zhai Junyan is only level five, how can they fight?

"Get ready to fight for the chance to escape, we have no chance of winning!" Bo Siyu said to several people through the bracelet.

Zhai Junyan sighed, "It's really bad. When you come out to do a mission, you will encounter such a high-level starry sky beast!"

"As a battle school, I would rather die in battle than be captured. You should also be prepared." She took a deep breath.

The other three had similar thoughts. Falling into the hands of the alien beast in the starry sky in their identities would be a big trouble for the family, and they had the consciousness of sacrifice.

Xia Ruo felt the depression of several people and the atmosphere of being ready for death, and said a little speechlessly: "It's not that far yet."

"You go up and attack them now, I will throw a talisman to attack, and they will run away immediately when they are stunned."

She paused and said: "Run separately, one escape counts as one. The signal of the terminal has been completely blocked, and the matter of the alien beast in the starry sky must be sent back to the imperial capital. Live in the cracks!"

Hearing what she said, several people were startled, and then they changed their previous negativity and cheered up.

Yes! If you can live, who wants to die, no matter what, you must try your best to spread this news. This information is very important.

"Listen to Xia Ruo, let's go!" Bo Siyu took the lead and attacked several strange beasts.

Zhai Junyan and the others followed closely behind.

The red-haired man didn't even bother to move, he raised his hand and waved his lower finger, "Come on, catch them alive!"

The three of them quickly fought fiercely with the four of them, relying on their physical strength and abilities similar to supernatural powers.

The red-haired man narrowed his phoenix eyes and looked at Xia Ruo sharply, "How did you find out that we are alien beasts?"

They were all equipped with detection beast jammers, and they were sprayed with sprays to cover up their aura, so it was impossible for human supernatural beings who were higher than him to detect them.

How did this woman find out? He is amazed and curious.

Xia Ruo chuckled, "Want to know?"

"Say!" The red-haired man's voice was cold, and his whole body exuded a force that could not be refuted.

If it was someone else's legs, his legs would have been weak, and his mind would have collapsed, so he told the truth right away.

But Xia Ruo still stood calmly.

She curled her lips slightly, "I won't tell you!"

Whether it's the aura of a powerful superior exuding from his body, or this kind of behavior that seems to be superior, it seems that this guy's status in the starry sky is not low!

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~

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