Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 493 Don't Look Like Me?

Cheng Ming and Lan Zhe were also surprised that Xia Ruo actually recognized a god-brother in such a short time.

Judging by the appearance and temperament of this man, he doesn't look like an ordinary person.

But their relationship with Xia Ruo is just teammates, so it's hard to say anything.

Xia Ruo took out the detection instrument from the space and turned it on, and soon found the energy fluctuation of the Bauhinia beast.

"It's in that direction, let's go!"

"it is good!"

A group of people rushed towards the direction Xia Ruo pointed. On the way, Xia Ruo either talked to Zhai Junyan or chatted with Yun Jing.

Bo Siyu found that there seemed to be a feeling that Xia Ruo and Yun Jing couldn't get along with others. They were really like brother and sister.

If they didn't know that Xia Ruo and Yun Jingcai had known each other for less than a day, others might really think that they were brothers and sisters.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that the name Yunjing was very familiar. He had definitely heard it several times.

Bo Siyu thought about it carefully, and soon suddenly found something about this name from his memory.

He was terrified, could this person be the new emperor of the Wisteria Empire? is it possible?

After thinking about it, I couldn't help but ask tentatively: "Young Master Yun, can I take the liberty to ask, are you from the Federation?"

Yun Jing knew that this person might have already guessed his identity, so he didn't bother to hide it, after all, he would use this identity to associate with his two younger sisters in the future.

"No, I'm from the Wisteria Empire."

Bo Siyu's face changed slightly, "Are you the royal family of the Wisteria Empire?"

Yun Jing looked at him meaningfully and smiled, "That's right, I'm from the Wisteria Royal Family, as you guessed."

For the first time, Bo Siyu's calm mind became confused. Xia Ruo recognized the new emperor of the Wisteria Empire as his elder brother? What is rhythm?

"May I ask again, why did you come to the half-desolate star under the jurisdiction of our Federation?" This place belongs to the scope of the Second Battle Group, and he is qualified to ask as the heir.

Yunjing replied: "I'm here to look for the Bauhinia Beast and the Zipa Leaf, but Ruoruo said that the Bauhinia Beast is your task, and the Zipa Leaf is what she needs, so I won't argue, I will play with you. "

Bo Siyu knew that what he said was serious, otherwise, with this person's strength and status, it would be easy to snatch the purple loquat leaf and the redbud beast from them.

He had some doubts in his heart, when did the new emperor of the Wisteria Empire have such a leisurely mood that he ran to look for the Bauhinia Beast? Is it for relaxation?

This person is not at all the same as in the legend, he doesn't have the appearance and temperament that a half-dude should have, and his personality is even less like that. He was really a disguise before.

That's right, how can a seventh-level ability user be a real dude, no matter how talented he is, if he doesn't train in private, it's impossible to level up so quickly.

But why would an emperor of the Wisteria Empire save Xia Ruo and recognize her as his god-sister? Is there any purpose?

When Bo Siyu was replenishing his brain, and he was a little defensive towards Yunjing, Zhai Junyan and the others also belatedly heard a problem from the conversation between the two of them.

They also heard Yun Jing's name from the elders of the family, no wonder they always felt a little familiar before.

Could this man really be the new emperor of the Wisteria Empire? Is there such a coincidence? incredible.

Zhai Junyan didn't like to hide things very much, so she looked at Yunjing straightforwardly and asked, "Could you be the emperor of the Wisteria Empire?"

Yun Jing smiled and asked back: "What? I don't look like it?"

This is also tantamount to acknowledging his status as emperor in disguise.

Fan Yue raised his head and glanced at Yun Jing. This man was actually the emperor of the Wisteria Empire. If only he was not in the state of a cub, maybe he could catch an emperor and bring him back this time.

However, he was also overdoing his brain, and he didn't even notice that he was level six, and Yunjing was already level seven.

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