Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 494 Have you forgotten him?

Zhai Junyan's eyes widened in shock.

"Damn it, you are really that emperor."

Then he abducted Xia Ruo, with a look of admiration on his face, "Ruo Ruo, you are so amazing! You actually recognized an emperor as your elder brother!"

"..." The three of Bo Siyu twitched their mouths, Zhai Junyan's focus was so strange.

Shouldn't it be curiosity, why would an emperor recognize Xia Ruo as his younger sister?

Xia Ruo laughed softly: "Yes! I didn't expect to see Shuanyan to recognize a brother, who turned out to be the emperor."

"It looks like the Crown Princess of the Silver Dragon Empire and you still call each other sisters?" Zhai Junyan has always been very concerned about Xia Ruo.

Interstellar international news also revealed that Xia Ruo and the Crown Princess of the Yinlong Empire have a very good relationship. The two went shopping together like best friends, and even had dinner appointments several times.

Xia Ruo nodded: "Yes! The princess has already recognized me as her younger sister!"

"Based on this, Big Brother Yun is also Sister Xuan's big brother." She paved the way again.

Yunjing smiled and said, "If there is a chance, I would also like to get to know another younger sister!"

The two of them said this as if they were chatting at home, and it was so natural that it seemed as if it should be taken for granted, but there was always something wrong.

Bo Siyu couldn't be sure if Yunjing approached Xia Ruo for some purpose or conspiracy. Seeing that Xia Ruo was serious about Yun Jing, as if he was treating his brother, he could only suppress all kinds of thoughts.

Forget it, as long as Xia Ruo is happy, Yun Jing won't stay with them for too long anyway, so pay more attention in the future.

Along the way, there was the coercion of level 7 ability users released by Yunjing, but no strange beasts came out seeking death.

Because of the immortal magic vine in Xia Ruo's body, Yi Zhi didn't come out to harass her.

The central area is not close to them, and they don't have a car to go all the way. When night falls, they can only live in the forest for one night, and then go on their way tomorrow.

Because she found her brother, Xia Ruo was in a good mood.

When she is in a good mood, she likes to cook delicious food.

So Bo Siyu and the others went to hunt some edible beasts and came back. She took out the seasonings to marinate them, and then lit a bonfire to roast them.

Soon, bursts of aroma wafted from the barbecue, Zhai Junyan and the others couldn't help sniffing.

"Ruoruo, everything you do smells so delicious!" Zhai Junyan has been in the wild many times, and it's not that he has never eaten barbecue, but it's the first time he smells so fragrant.

Xia Ruo smiled and used a knife to cut the cooked barbecue into a plate and handed it to her, "I may be naturally sensitive and good at cooking."

Then he continued to cut a few plates and handed them to his brother and Bo Siyu.

Bo Siyu knew Xia Ruo's cooking skills, and Cheng Ming and Lan Zhe were completely amazed after tasting the barbecue.

Is this really a barbecue? Why is it so delicious!

In contrast, they felt that the barbecue they had eaten in the wild was rubbish.

Yun Jing hadn't eaten his sister's roasted meat for a long time, and gracefully forked a piece into his mouth to chew, his cold eyes and brows were stained with a smile.

It's still the familiar taste, and only my little sister has the ability to make food so delicious.

Everyone ate happily, and Fan Yue, who was lying next to Xia Ruo, became anxious when he saw that he had never been there.

Has this woman forgotten him?

He resolutely refused to admit that he was greedy from the smell of barbecue, and he felt that he should defend the identity of the little prince and not let Xia Ruo ignore it.

"Ho ho ho ho!" So he yelled at Xia Ruo in a childish voice.

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