Xia Ruo heard the little thing growl and looked at him.

I saw the kitten's eyes full of displeasure, roaring and protesting.

Xia Ruo cut some tender meat, put the plate in front of him and said with a smile: "I see you are in a hurry, you are usually sick, but the smell of eating will make you feel refreshed."

"Ho Ho Ho!" Fan Yue was not happy to be told by Xia Ruo, so he yelled at her a few more times.

Then I couldn't stand the temptation of the grilled meat on the plate, I lowered my head to pick up a piece and ate it, and then I couldn't help but fell in love with the taste.

It's delicious, how can there be such a delicious barbecue?

While eating, he narrowed his blue eyes as if enjoying himself.

Tsundere and cute, Xia Ruo smiled and cut some and put them on his plate.

Seeing that Xia Ruo liked the mutated kitten very much, Zhai Junyan asked with a smile, "Ruo Ruo, are you going to take him back to raise him?"

She prefers to fight, so she has no interest in these soft-looking pets.

Xia Ruo nodded: "Yes! I really like cats."

"Then you can give him a name. You are so skilled in medicine, and he won't be so sick forever." Zhai Junyan suggested.

Xia Ruo thought for a while, reached out and rubbed the kitten's head, "Then call it Fanfan."

Originally, it was because this little thing looked like the "Fanfan" she had raised before. If so, then it should be called by this name.

Of course, the two cats are different, and there is no substitute. She just thinks that the name matches this kitten inexplicably.

Fan Yue, who was happily eating meat in his mouth, froze instantly when he heard the name.

This woman can't do it on purpose, can she?

Before he could get annoyed, Xia Ruo rubbed his head again, "Little sick cat, do you still like this name?"

"Fanfan?" she called out.

It was the first time that Fan Yue was called that by someone. His surname was Fan, even if it was a homonym, it sounded inexplicably ashamed.

"Ho Ho Ho!" He raised his head and yelled at Xia Ruo a few times in dissatisfaction. He didn't want this name, it didn't fit his little prince's cold temperament.

Xia Ruo could see that he was dissatisfied, and said with a smile: "The little sick cat doesn't like it!"

Fan Yue raised his noble chin, as if you knew it was good, but then he wanted to vomit blood with anger.

"It's okay, you don't like it, I like it, you will be called Fanfan from now on, it's such a happy decision!" Xia Ruo laughed out in a good mood.

"..." Fan Yue suddenly had the urge to turn around and leave, but this woman was playing tricks on him again, disgusting!

But when he thought that that bastard might be waiting to catch him, he held back!

Angry, he picked up a piece of meat and chewed vigorously.

Seeing him like this, several people present couldn't help laughing.

Not to mention that Xia Ruo picked up this mutated kitten, which is not only very human, but also quite interesting, no wonder she wants to take it back to raise.

That's right, even Yun Jing didn't discover the real identity of the little prince, because the appearance of his cub was too different from the image of the cold starry sky beast little prince.

Turning into a cub, without equipment and sprays to cover up, the aura of the alien beast in the starry sky will dissipate automatically, just like an ordinary alien beast.

This is also a characteristic of the birth of the strongest bloodline starry sky alien.

Except for the king and queen of the alien beast in the starry sky and a few high-level officials, no one could recognize and see through Fan Yue's true identity.

In the evening, everyone ate and drank enough to get into the tent brought by Xia Ruo to rest.

Now they have also deeply realized the benefits of space ability users. No wonder in the battle group, space ability users are the most popular when forming a team!

Continue at 14 o'clock~~

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