Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 500: Here Comes the Rogue Feng

This city is not big, and the people who come and go seem to be mercenaries and hunters, all of them exude evil spirits, obviously they have seen a lot of blood.

The three of Xia Ruo had outstanding looks and temperament, and they attracted the attention of the people who entered and exited before they entered the city.

At this moment, someone shouted: "Come and see a good show, Luo Fasha has taken a fancy to another handsome guy and wants to take him back."

"Isn't this a normal thing?" Someone was not very interested.

This kind of thing will always happen two or three times a month, what's so interesting about female bandits robbing people.

"It's different this time. That kid is wearing a battle uniform, and he's very tough. He doesn't give Luo Fasha any face at all."

"It's rare to see that female bandit suffer once. If you don't go to see it, I will go!"

"That's interesting, let's go and have a look!"

"Keep your voice down, if you let Luo Fasha or her mercenary group hear, we will be in trouble!"

"What are you afraid of? I heard that her brother's Star Thief Group is being hunted down by the Second Battle Group today. Maybe she won't have any backing in the future to do her best!" Obviously, she has a lot of resentment towards the person in her mouth.

"Shut up, misfortune comes out of your mouth. If you continue to talk nonsense, leave our mercenary group. The prestige that Luo Fasha has established on this half-desolate star does not depend solely on her brother."

The person who complained was also a little scared, and immediately whispered: "I was wrong, leader, I will not talk nonsense in the future!"

"Let's not take this as an example, let's go and have a look!"

People at the gate hurried into the city to watch a good show.

Zhai Junyan was also curious, and pulled Xia Ruo to speed up, "Let's go and have a look too!"

The three of them had just entered the city when a familiar voice from Xia Ruo sounded.

"I said I'm not interested, are you annoying! Don't stand in my way, get out!"

Xia Ruo looked along the place where the sound came from.

Sure enough, he saw Feng Yan in a black battle suit standing not far away, with one hand in his trouser pocket, and a somewhat impatient look on his handsome face.

Standing in front of him was a woman in a mercenary battle uniform, tall and hot, with a wild appearance, who stopped him from leaving.

"You really have a personality. I just like a hot-tempered handsome guy like you."

The woman took a laser gun from her waist and played with it, looked at Feng Yan full of interest, with a strong taste of threat, "Come with me for a drink, otherwise don't even think about leaving!"

After she finished speaking, more than a dozen people who were also wearing mercenary uniforms surrounded her spontaneously.

"Don't make me say it again, get out!" Feng Yan's originally impatient face showed a little more violence.

He still has to find someone, and he doesn't have time to play with them.

Just as he was about to beat up those people who blocked his way, he suddenly felt a familiar sight fall on him, and he looked over abruptly.

Sure enough, seeing Xia Ruo standing where she had just entered the city, the impatience and hostility in Feng Yan Taohua's eyes instantly turned into surprise, and she couldn't help shouting: "Xia Xia!"

Then he was about to rush over, but was stopped by the tall slender woman who continued to lead others.

The interest in her eyes was stronger, but she was also a little displeased, "Little handsome guy, have you ignored my words?"

Feng Yan usually never hits women, but now he feels a little itchy.

Ever since the woman saw him, she had been trying to forcibly invite him to drink. The way she looked at him was more like a wolf seeing meat, which made him very disgusted.

"I'll say it one last time, get out!" Feng Yan said with a cold face.

If he doesn't know how to be interesting and blocks him from seeing Xia Ruo, he will do it, regardless of whether it is a man or a woman.

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