Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 501 Who do you think you are!

Ming Rui and Xi Yu behind him immediately stepped forward, as if they were about to open the way.

Just kidding, my boss came here to find Xia Ruo. Now that he sees someone he likes, he can't wait to rush over. This woman is really ignorant.

The boss told her to get the hell out of here, and kept pestering her. Who gave her the confidence and courage?

They grew up with Feng Yan, so they could naturally feel his anger. He probably couldn't help but want to beat someone up.

But they were afraid that Feng Yan would leave a bad impression in front of Xia Ruo, so they hurriedly stepped forward.

"Little girl, don't speak in front of our boss, or we will be impolite!" Xi Yu looked at the tall slender woman resolutely.

"I'm not interested in you, go away!" The tall slender woman still refused to give way.

Xi Yu's face darkened, and he took out an energy gun from his arms and pointed at her, "Get out of the way!"

Seeing this, Luo Fasha's people also took out their laser guns and pointed at the three of them.

Xia Ruo finally understood that Feng Rogue was attracted by the female leader of the mercenary group, so he was stopped and entangled.

Not to mention, this guy has always treated women like a debt collector with a cruel appearance, but he is not the usual way to attract women to like him.

Not only was she admired and liked by a large number of women in the academy and the imperial capital, but she was also a little speechless to be targeted by female bandits even in such a remote town.

Xia Ruo walked over slowly.

Feng Yan saw the tall slender woman shamelessly still blocking the way, and Xia Ruo walked over with a calm expression, he was really afraid that she might misunderstand.

So I wanted to make a move to teach the other party a lesson, don't get in his way.

Just as he was about to move, he was turned by Ming Rui, and said in a low voice, "I don't know if Xia Ruo will dislike men beating women, you should just bear with it."

Hearing this, Feng Yan took a deep breath and forcibly controlled his emotions.

He has never hit a woman before, but this woman is really annoying.

At this time Xia Ruo had also approached, looking at Feng Yan from a layer of people, she said with a bit of joking on her lips: "This is someone who is looking at it, and you want to take it back to be the husband-in-law of the village?"

Feng Yan immediately raised his hand to explain, "This is a crazy woman, don't get me wrong!"

Luo Fasha frowned and turned around, glanced at Xia Ruo with a scrutinizing gaze, and asked, "What's your relationship with him?"

"I've taken a fancy to this handsome guy. If you had a relationship before, it's over for me now!" She looked at Xia Ruo forcefully and said as if ordering.

Xia Ruo didn't like the look in Luo Fasha's eyes, let alone her self-righteous words.

Her eyebrows and eyes were somewhat similar to Feng Yan's, with an impatient tone: "None of your business! You're a fart!"

"Yes, it's none of your business, ugly woman, who do you think you are! Get the hell out of here!" Feng Yan was so angry with this snake-sick woman, he dared to talk to his Xia Xia like that, looking for death.

Then he asked Xia Ruo to go, and the men standing in front pointed their guns at him, "Don't move, or we won't be polite!"

If the person that the young lady likes runs away with other women like this, what face will she have? They will suffer as well.

Feng Yan didn't have the leisure to chatter with them, he turned around handsomely, and kicked all the guns out of their hands.

Then he jumped up mercilessly, kicked several people to the ground very easily, and snorted coldly: "A group of trash still want to stop me, they are courting death!"

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