Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 529 Your routine is getting deeper and deeper

After another two hours, the throbbing pain, as if he was going to faint at any time, gradually disappeared.

Xia Ruo survived the effects of the medicine with her own perseverance, but someone else might have passed out.

Her whole body was drenched with sweat, as if she had been fished out of the water.

But it feels like the whole person is much more relaxed, and the meridians that would not take the initiative to absorb spiritual energy are completely revitalized.

As soon as the mind moved, the body actively absorbed the spiritual energy like a sponge, and there was no need to use the energy of running exercises, and the speed was much faster.

However, it took a lot of effort to resist the pain caused by the drug effect.

She felt a little weak, leaning against Feng Yan and said, "Smelly rascal, take me to the bathroom, I want to take a shower!"

Feng Yan looked down and saw her pale face turned rosy, he was slightly relieved, "Okay!"

He carried Xia Ruo into the bathroom, and she stood by the door.

"I'll put the water in for you!" He went to turn on the water, and soon the bathtub was filled with warm water. He smiled and asked, "Do you want me to wash it for you?"

Xia Ruo took out a pill to restore the body from the space and took it, and then kicked him, "Go away, you have a good idea!"

Seeing that she was in better spirits, Feng Yan smiled and went out and closed the door.

Xia Ruo felt much refreshed after taking a bath, and her mental and physical strength were fully restored after taking the pills.

When he walked out in his nightgown, he saw Feng Yan swiping his terminal on the sofa with his legs crossed.

"You haven't left yet?" She asked while wiping her hair with a towel.

Feng Yan immediately withdrew from the terminal, stood up and walked over, took the towel from her hand very naturally, and helped her to dry her hair.

After Xia Ruo sat down, he ran to the bathroom to take out the hair dryer and help her dry her hair.

"The service is very considerate!" Xia Ruo lazily let him blow his hair.

The guy is getting more and more considerate.

Feng Yan lifted his chin and smiled, "Of course."

His slender white fingertips passed through Xia Ruo's black and smooth hair, and he felt like his heart was full.

"I will take care of you in every possible way!" After finishing speaking, I added in my heart, and then you will never be willing to leave me.

Xia Ruo chuckled, "Feng Rogue, your routine is getting deeper and deeper!"

This guy is a fool when he is not enlightened, but the speed of comprehension is astonishingly fast.

"That is, if you don't trick you, how can I trap you!" Feng Yangang put into practice the rustic love words he learned from the terminal online.

Xia Ruo didn't know whether to laugh or cry, turned her head and stretched out her hand to grab his ear, "You're enough, you're disgusting!"

Feng Yan didn't dodge, but was still grabbed by her. He lowered his handsome face and leaned over to tease, "It's said on the Internet that you women like duplicity, but you're actually quite willing to listen to what you say in your mouth, right?"

Xia Ruo smiled and pinched his face again, "Fart!"

"Female Tyrannosaurus!" Feng Yan muttered relaxedly while blowing his hair.

Xia Ruo turned and knelt on the sofa, staring fiercely at him with beautiful bright eyes, "Say it again!"

Feng Yan immediately coaxed her, and pulled her with a smile, "Even if it's a female Tyrannosaurus, I like it too!"

Xia Ruo gave him a funny look, "Smelly rascal!"

Then turn back and let him continue to blow his hair, "Good service!"

"Of course, my mother Tyrannosaurus!" Feng Yan laughed out loud.

The answer to him was that he was pinched a few more times on his arms, but he enjoyed it.

Everyone has said that beating is kissing and scolding is love, the harder Xia Xia pinches him, the more she likes him!

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