After drying her hair, Xia Ruo pushed Feng Yan out of the room, then fell asleep on the bed.

The pills were prepared overnight yesterday, and after taking them today, she has consumed so much mental and physical strength, she is still quite tired.

Feng Yan didn't leave the farm even after being kicked out, but went to the mountain to pick some fresh vegetables and sent them to the cafeteria, so that the chef could cook some dishes that Xia Ruo likes to eat at night.

After returning to the villa, he saw the cat thrown out of the window by himself, lying lazily and coldly on the sofa in the living room like a nobleman.

He walked over to sit down, looked at the cat with displeasure and threatened, "Smelly cat, I warn you, stay away from my Xia Ruo in the future, don't let her hug you around, or you will be finished!"

For some reason, he didn't like the cat when he first saw it, and always felt that this guy was a threat.

But it was indeed just a kitten and a strange animal. Whether it was aggressive or potentially dangerous, the mech system's judgment was not high.

But he trusted his instincts more.

Fan Yue hated Feng Yan more and more, this guy was really at odds with him.

Why not let him stay away from that woman? He was picked up by her.

"Hoho!" His eyes were full of displeasure and resistance, and he yelled at Feng Yan.

Feng Yan didn't want to talk nonsense with him anymore, grabbed his neck and grabbed him, then slapped him on the head a few times, "If you don't obey, I will punish you every day."

He didn't believe that he couldn't tame a kitten, so if he didn't behave well, he would beat him until he behaved!

"Hoho!" After being slapped on the head several times, Fan Yue almost vomited blood in anger. He is the little prince of the Starry Sky Beast Alliance. How many times has he been slapped on the head by an annoying ghost?

He scratched his paws and grabbed Feng Yan, but it was a pity that the force value was not at the same level, so he was quickly beaten up by Feng Yan.

When Xia Ruo came down from the upstairs feeling refreshed, she saw Feng Yan picking up the cat and was speechless.

"Why are you bullying him again?"

Hearing Xia Ruo's words, Feng Yan immediately let go of the strangled cat, rubbed his neck, and said with a smile, "I'm just kidding with him."

Fan Yue was cleaned up by Feng Yan, feeling angry and wronged in his heart, seeing Xia Ruo coming, he immediately jumped towards her.

After Xia Ruo caught him, she immediately growled pitifully with watery eyes, as if she was complaining.

There are great changes in the juvenile and mature stages of the starry sky beasts, as well as their personality and mind.

Although Fan Yue turned into a cub after being injected with a potion, the composition of the potion is to let him slowly develop into a real cub.

Therefore, occasionally the mind is also affected, becoming a little like a real cub, playing petty temper, being arrogant, wronged and naive, and suing.

If he were an adult, it would be absolutely impossible for him to do such an action, he would only coldly remember Feng Yan, let alone complain to Xia Ruo.

Xia Ruo was attracted by his watery and wronged eyes, smiled and rubbed his head, "I won't be here in the future, if you see this scoundrel, stay away."

Then he glared at Feng Yan, "How dare you bully the little milk cat even at such a big age?"

"..." Fan Yue froze when he heard this, who the hell is the little milk cat? Can this woman speak?

Feng Yan hated the stinky cat even more in his heart, the shameless guy would still sue.

He smiled innocently and said, "I was just playing around with him, no bullying!"

Seeing that Xia Ruo was still staring at him, he raised his hands up, "All right, I promise I won't bully him in the future!"

"That's about the same!" Xia Ruo smiled with satisfaction.

Feng Yan stood up and walked to her side, pulled out the cat that wanted to nest in Xia Ruo's arms, and threw it on the sofa.

It's just that because of Xia Ruo's presence, his movements were not so rude, but he still secretly squeezed the opponent's neck heavily, causing Fan Yue to almost gasp in pain.

Continue at 14 o'clock~~

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