Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 593 Still have this attribute?

Xia Ruo's words stunned the people present again, how can they treat diseases like this?

Ning Zhenxin believes in feng shui in the antique business, he said with a smile: "Then I would like to trouble Miss Xia to help you draw a picture, and you can ask for a reward."

He has never told anyone about his bad health and minor accidents. Xia Ruo can see it directly, which means he has a few brushes. He still holds some hope.

Xia Ruo smiled and said: "There is no need to pay separately, but if Mr. Ning receives ancient jade or jade articles in the future, you can contact me."

Ancient jade and jade wares can nourish the body, and can also store spiritual power to make magic weapons. Now that her body has recovered, she can also make them. She has to collect some, and it happens that Ning Zhenxin is in the antique business.

Ning Zhenxin immediately agreed: "No problem, as long as there is news about ancient jade and jade artifacts, I will tell you as soon as possible."

"Then I'll draw a talisman for you now." She bought some talisman paper and cinnabar and threw them into the space.

Take out the things, put them on the table and outline them with a talisman pen, each stroke contains spiritual power.

It was the first time Feng Yan saw Xia Ruo doing this, he walked over and stared at it, thinking happily, her family Xia Xia is great, she can do everything.

Others gathered around and looked at it curiously. It was the first time for them to see someone draw a talisman. Not to mention it was quite complicated. Although they didn't understand it, they always felt that the talisman was very charming.

After drawing, Xia Ruo folded the talisman into a small yellow brocade bag.

Pass it to Ning Zhenxin, "You will always wear it with you in the future, and the evil spirits on your body will be dispelled in about seven days, or you can wear it all the time, so that the evil spirits will not invade and you will be safe."

"This brocade bag is really pretty. It looks like it's made of silk?" Huo Tianhao said while looking at the bag.

Ning Zhenxin was afraid that he would snatch it away, so she quickly took the brocade bag and stuffed it into her arms, "Thank you, Miss Xia!"

Xia Ruo said: "You're welcome!"

Then he said to Huo Tianhao, "It's made of silk."

The silkworms she raised have already started spinning silk. She wove a few brocade bags on a whim a few days ago, but she didn't expect to use them today.

Huo Tianhao looked at it with a itch, "Xiao Ruoruo, this talisman can still keep you safe! Why don't you draw one for me too? If you need it for your brother in the future, just ask."

Xia Ruo laughed: "Okay, Brother Huo, if you like it, I'll draw a picture for you too."

The talisman contains spiritual power, and it does have the effect of preventing disasters. Huo Tianhao is a straightforward person. She didn't ask for it just now, so he took the initiative to ask for a loan for him. He is quite a good person.

Standing by the side, Feng Yan immediately forgot, looked at Xia Ruo aggrievedly, grabbed her hand and said, "You haven't even drawn me an amulet yet."

Huo Tianhao and the others couldn't help their teeth hurting from hearing this, the third son of the Feng family is really enough, this one is all sore...

Xia Ruo scratched his hand helplessly, "Go back and draw a picture for you!"

He approached him again and said, "The drawing is the best."

Only then did Feng Yan turn cloudy and sunny, leaning his head on Xia Ruo's shoulder, "I knew you were the best!"

"..." What the hell is the apex of the heart? Fuck, Feng San is too nasty, why didn't I see it before, this guy still has this attribute?

Feng Yi also wanted to help his forehead. His younger brother's appearance really looks like the wolf dog that was said on the Internet has turned into a milk dog...

Xia Ruo's ears turned red, she turned her head and glared at him, "Restrain me a bit."

This guy is getting thicker and thicker, and he likes to climb poles even more.

She felt a little embarrassed in front of so many people.

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