Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 594 Xia Ruo is More Reliable

Feng Yan received Xia Ruo's gaze, and then moved his head away from her shoulder.

He secretly scolded Huo Tianhao for these light bulbs, and decided not to come to the bar in the future, and changed places if he wanted to drink.

"Then help Brother Huo draw a talisman, and I'll see if it doesn't affect you!"

Xia Ruo scratched his palm again to comfort him, then let go and picked up a new talisman paper to draw.

After finishing the painting, he also took out a brocade bag to pack it in, and handed it to Huo Tianhao.

Huo Tianhao smiled and put the brocade bag in his pocket, "Thank you, Xiao Ruo!"

He just likes this brocade bag better, as for whether the talisman is effective or not, he is actually not very concerned.

"Brother Huo, you're being polite!" Xia Ruo smiled.

Several people sat together drinking and chatting, and within about an hour, Ye Jing came back with a sullen face.

Judging from his bad complexion, everyone here is smart, so how can they fail to guess, there must be something wrong with the dagger.

Feng Yi has the best relationship with him here, so he asked, "Brother Ye, how do you see it?"

Ye Jing calmed down when facing them, "That master is similar to what Xiao Ruo said. Wearing such an evil thing for a long time will slowly start to damage the body, and accidents will easily occur."

"If you wear it for more than three years, it will be fatal!"

Sure enough, Xia Ruo is more reliable.

Hearing his words, the few people present couldn't help being shocked again, Xia Ruo was really amazing.

Ning Zhenxin couldn't help but be thankful that she asked Xia Ruo just now and asked her to help draw the talisman, otherwise he might be in trouble after a long time.

Feng Yi frowned, and said meaningfully: "I don't know about this situation, Jiang Minyun is clear."

Mentioning this, Ye Jing's expression became gloomy again, "Who knows about her? If she doesn't know, she can be said to be unintentional. If she knows, what kind of heart does she have?"

It was a waste of their Ye family's trusting her so much, I really didn't expect to be cheated.

He tried his best to think in a positive direction, thinking that Jiang Minyun might not know about this, otherwise his brother would have a problem, and their Ye family might think about it.

But they couldn't resist conspiracy theories. After all, it took three years for the younger brother to have serious problems. At that time, Jiang Minyun could only reason that his younger brother's illness had relapsed, making it more serious. If they didn't understand this, they would be fooled.

After all, what kind of evil spirit is, if you don't look for someone who knows how to do it, who would have thought of it.

Seeing Ye Jing's changing expression, Feng Yi roughly knew what he was thinking.

So he added fire, "As a brother, I still decided to tell you something."

Ye Jing felt that what he said must have something to do with Jiang Minyun, "What's the matter? Just say it."

"The servant of Ruoruo's family has already been interrogated. Jiang Minyun instigated her behind the scenes, and then killed Ruoruo's mother, but the evidence in hand is not enough now."

Feng Yi paused and said: "I found out that Ruoruo's mother took good care of Jiang Minyun when she was in the academy, but she even hurt her best friend, so there's nothing she can't do."

"You should also pay more attention, don't be fooled around by her and kill Xiaoning's life!" He reminded.

"Damn it, that woman is too poisonous."

Huo Tianhao couldn't help but continue to say: "I wanted to marry your father before, but luckily your family didn't marry anyone in, otherwise you would definitely be a troublemaker."

For a big family like theirs, what they are most afraid of is stirring up family spirits.

Ye Jing's face became even more ugly, "There is such a thing, we really misjudged the person."

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~

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