Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 600 This is the manifestation of a guilty conscience!

Jiang Minyun was suffering from being squeezed out by the joint venture, and her heart tightened when she heard Xia Ruo's words.

Then he asked in a cold voice: "What basis do you have to prove that my treatment method is not responsible? I have the right to sue you for defamation."

"Defamation? Then you go to sue! Do you want me to contact a lawyer for you? No wonder Feng Yan said that ugly people do more tricks, it is really true."

Xia Ruo looked away from her, looked at Ye Zhenfeng and said, "Ye Dong, do you have the equipment inspection records of Ning Shao's treatment? As long as you let a knowledgeable doctor look at it, you can see that the meridians in Ning Shao's body are swollen. It is powerful, and there is a danger of breaking at any time."

Ye Zhenfeng shook his head, "I don't have it in my hands, it's all in Master Jiang's hands."

It was also because she trusted Jiang Minyun's treatment, she didn't want them to intervene, so they did it, but they didn't expect this woman to treat her like this in private.

It must not be once or twice that the son had such a painful attack, but it was too much not to let them see or tell, or even inform them once.

Xia Ruo pricked a few golden needles, and Ye Ning's condition improved immediately. Compared with what he saw just now, it showed that his medical skills were not a little bit better than Jiang Minyun and the assistant doctors she brought with her.

Ye Zhenfeng was already very unhappy, he said to Jiang Minyun: "Please also ask Master Jiang to show my son's medical record."

Jiang Minyun panicked, not only meeting Feng Yan, but also meeting Xia Ruo, did they come to restrain her?

"I kept Ning Shao's treatment in mind, so I didn't leave a separate record." She replied.

Xia Ruo used her words to fight back, "As a well-known pharmacist, he didn't keep records of his illness. Master Jiang, forgive me for adding legal knowledge to you. This is an illegal operation. If the patient's family pursues it, you will have to pay legal responsibility .”

"My treatment method is quite special, and it is justifiable not to record the condition." Jiang Minyun retorted.

Xia Ruo was too lazy to talk to her, "Ye Dong, can you contact the person in charge of this hospital? The treatment and testing equipment should have saved the previous data, right?"

"Can you trouble them to ask someone to come over and look up the data? Just look at the data before I took the treatment, otherwise I am afraid that Master Jiang will say that it is because of my treatment that the Ning Shao meridian may rupture. I can't afford it." This is the responsibility." She didn't forget to add sarcasm to Jiang Minyun.

"Why bother the dean, we will adjust the data." The doctor who blocked Xia Ruo before said.

Xia Ruo folded her arms, "I'm sorry, I can't trust your medical skills and character. Don't deliberately delete the data in the instrument and tell us that we haven't found it. Then who should we go to?"

"You! You spitting blood!" The doctor choked. Although he thought so, he would never admit it.

Xia Ruo looked indifferent, "In such a hurry, you still say you have no ghosts in your heart?"

"You!" The doctor found that Xia Ruo was too eloquent and grasped the key points, so he looked at Ye Zhenfeng and said, "What do you think, Director Ye?"

Even if the data is not deleted, they can take the opportunity to modify it.

Ye Zhenfeng obviously didn't believe them anymore, and directly dialed a dean's phone number with the terminal to answer his question.

It also made the doctor very embarrassed, and his expression was unnatural.

Jiang Minyun suppressed the panic in her heart, she looked at Ye Zhenfeng with displeasure and asked: "Ye Dong, I have been treating the young master for so long, do you believe me?"

"Tsk tsk, this is a sign of a guilty conscience! Otherwise, why do you have to stop people from adjusting the data!" Feng Yan curled his lips.

This remark made Jiang Minyun angry again, thinking that today might be troublesome, so she secretly sent a message to her elder brother through the terminal.

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~

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