Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 601 Why Don't They Know?

Ye Zhenfeng is well-informed, and Jiang Minyun is also opposed to letting people down to adjust the data, so he doesn't believe it if there is nothing tricky.

So his face turned cold, "Master Jiang, our Ye family has always believed in your treatment because of our in-law relationship. Now we only need to adjust a data. As a family member, I am not even qualified to read the test data of my son?"

"You asked me if I didn't believe you, but I wanted to ask, what do you mean by not letting us see the data?"

They used to treat Jiang Minyun well mainly because she was the attending doctor of his son, so what if she was his brother-in-law's sister? If he dared to do something to his son, he wouldn't even give Jiang Yunqi face.

Jiang Minyun saw that his attitude was firm, and he was still a little cold, so she smiled embarrassingly: "Chairman Ye is naturally qualified to read the young master's data, I just thought it would be too troublesome for the dean to send someone to call, why don't we let the doctor here call him?" Well, they're more familiar too."

Ye Jing said: "We have seen how they treated my brother just now. We don't trust their medical skills, so let's wait for the dean to send someone over."

Seeing his younger brother, who was loved by the whole family, being tied up on the bed and suffering from illness, he almost had the urge to crush those who were pressing his younger brother to death just now.

Seeing that the father and son were so determined, Jiang Minyun could only say: "I have no other intentions, so let's wait for the dean's people to come."

She has been thinking about how to explain it after the data is called out.

The Ye family had a special status, and soon the director of the First Federal Hospital came in with a professional doctor.

"Chairman Ye, President Ye!" The dean first shook hands with the two, and then found Feng Yi and the others, they were stunned for a moment, and then stepped forward to greet them.

Ye Zhenfeng said: "Dean, please ask someone to call up the instrument test data of the last half month and let us have a look."

The dean nodded: "Okay!"

Then he turned around and told the young-looking doctor, "You transfer it to Dong Ye and the others."

"Okay!" The doctor walked over and began to operate the equipment skillfully.

"When I bought this instrument, I sent him to contact and study, so Director Ye can rest assured that the data will be fully preserved and retrieved." The dean assured with a smile.

Ye Zhenfeng nodded: "I'm sorry to bother you!"

After about ten minutes, the doctor came over with a stack of printed data.

"This is the inspection data from half a month ago, and the surveillance video has also been automatically saved." He said.

Hearing this, Jiang Minyun and the other two doctors were stunned, obviously a little surprised, and then nervous and sweaty palms.

This instrument also has the function of monitoring and recording video, why didn't they know?

Ye Zhenfeng took the data and looked at it, then handed it back, "I'm sorry, I don't understand these professional data, please translate it for me."

The doctor nodded, looked at the data and said: "According to the test data, the patient's condition has been repeated, especially the blood in the body is very restless. In the past week, there has even been rejection, and the blood vessels and meridians have even appeared. There is a danger of bursting at any time."

"The patient had nine episodes of illness within half a month due to blood agitation in the body, and the damage to the blood vessels was aggravated each time, and the vital signs of the body had been in a downturn twice, which was very critical."

The doctor frowned and said, "It's roughly like this. According to the test results, the treatment method should have been improperly handled. I suggest watching the treatment video."

Continue at 15 o'clock~~

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