After Ye Zhenfeng and his son heard the doctor's words, their faces sank in unison.

Nine episodes within half a month, that is, once in nearly two days, no wonder every time they come to see their son/brother, they feel that he is rather tired, and will fall into a deep sleep after talking casually.

And what is caused by improper treatment? This is their biggest concern.

"Look!" Ye Zhenfeng said firmly, "Please call me out and have a look."

The doctor nodded, turned around and walked to the side of the instrument to start operating. Everyone found that the switch position of the surveillance video was very secret. Jiang Minyun and the others couldn't help but look a little ugly. No wonder they didn't notice.

The operating doctor narrowed his eyes and ticked the corners of his lips, he did it on purpose.

His mother once came here to be hospitalized, and met a doctor with poor medical skills and a particularly bad attitude. During the operation, there was a major mistake and accident, which led to his mother's death.

This made him hate that doctor very much, and he himself was admitted to the medical school to study hard, and was admitted to the First Federal Hospital with excellent grades.

He went to learn about this equipment. After knowing that the doctor who treated his mother was going to use it alone for a special patient, he purposely saved it when he delivered it, without informing the other party that it also had the surveillance video function.

After installing it, he deliberately turned on the video switch, which is not against the regulations and is responsible for the patient.

Today, he was called by the dean to adjust the data of the instrument, and he knew that the opportunity for revenge had come.

Such doctors with poor medical skills and corrupt morals should not stay and continue to harm patients.

Soon, the surveillance video was projected in the room in the form of a virtual projection for everyone to see.

This doctor knows how to grasp the rhythm, sleep or unimportant treatment processes are fast forwarded.

The focus stayed on a few shots.

Ye Ning's nine episodes were very similar to those just now, like a beast that lost his mind, and then Jiang Minyun came over and injected him with medicine.

After the medicine took effect, Ye Ning would slowly stop struggling, but foaming at the mouth and convulsions occurred all over his body.

Jiang Minyun and the two doctors didn't bother, and waited for the symptoms to disappear and Ye Ning fell asleep before asking the nursing staff to clean up.

Then one of the doctors picked up a tube of light blue medicine and pushed it into Ye Ning's body.

"This is a short-term amnesia drug." The doctor who manipulated the device said: "After injecting this drug, the patient will forget the memory of the previous attack."

Xia Ruo was very keen to find that the doctor was guiding them, and asked in cooperation: "Are there any requirements for injecting this medicine? Are there any sequelae?"

She is mainly studying in the college now, and has not learned about medical treatment, so she doesn't know much about this medicine.

The doctor replied: "This kind of medicine is generally given to special patients after surgery. The main reason is that the memory of pain will affect their future life, but the premise is that the patient and family members agree to sign it."

"The reason for signing is also because the medicine has some sequelae. For example, memory may decline in the future, and some organs of the body may have some problems, but it will not affect life."

Then he changed the subject and continued: "This patient's condition is actually not very suitable for using such a medicine. After all, he often suffers from illnesses. His physical condition is not very good, and he has not been completely cured. Injecting this medicine will affect his body. It caused a great burden, and the sequelae must be much greater than those injected after surgery.”

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