Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 605 It's really over this time!

The dean heaved a sigh of relief after hearing this, as long as the Ye family didn't anger the First Federal Hospital.

At the same time, after watching the inspection data and video, he was also very angry. He had never seen such a treatment.

This is all about results, and ignores the feelings and pain of patients during the treatment process, which is simply a corruption of medical ethics.

There is also Jiang Minyun, who is now a relatively popular pharmacy master in the Federation, but he turned out to be a person who is so rich and jaded, it is really unexpected.

"Of course, their operation not only violated the regulations, but also violated the law. Director Ye should pursue legal responsibility." The dean expressed support.

The two doctors felt weak in their legs. Not only were they expelled from the hospital, they were also held accountable by the Ye family. This life would be ruined.

"We did this according to Master Jiang's orders, not voluntarily!" A doctor immediately defended himself.

The other person also said: "Yes! These are all Master Jiang's orders. We are just seconded doctors. Of course, we must obey the arrangement of the attending doctor and rely on her decision."

They don't want to go to jail or be sent to exile at all.

Jiang Minyun was half-dead from the two people's words, "You guys are farting and injecting the young master with tranquilizers. I don't even know about it, so you dare to rely on me."

"Obviously you said that if the young master wakes up disobedient and fussy, you should find a way to inject medicine to make him quiet, and avoid family members coming to visit as little as possible. How come you don't know now?"

One of the doctors said angrily, "Doctor Jiang, even if you don't admit it, it's a fact. Don't treat other people as fools. Would we dare to do this without your order?"

"Yes! You are the attending physician of the young master. Don't you agree that we dare to do this? You want to blame us now, don't think about it!"

They also took Jiang Minyun's money, so they cooperated with the other party to treat Ye Ning like this.

They didn't tell Jiang Min about the sedative medicine, but she did say such things, so they dared to do so.

Otherwise, how dare they treat the young master of the Ye family in such an illegal manner?

Feng Yan sneered, "Tsk tsk, is this dog biting dog?"

"Today's play is really exciting! I've learned a lot!" Huo Tianhao chimed in.

The words of the two of them stopped Jiang Minyun and the three of them and continued to chat.

Ye Zhenfeng has a vigorous and resolute style of doing things, "No matter who ordered you to do it, it's useless to shirk, I will pursue your legal responsibility."

Ye Jing used the terminal to contact the relevant department when he watched half of the video, "Someone will come over soon, if you have any questions, please go to the FBI and talk to the staff."

The eyes of the two doctors turned black, this time it was really over!

They couldn't help but regret deeply, how could they have obeyed Jiang Minyun's instructions for some star coins and benefits?

It's all right now, the star coins are lost, the job is lost, the Ye family's favors will not only be missed, but they will be hated, and in all likelihood, they will be assigned exile stars.

It's over! It's over! It was all caused by that bitch Jiang Minyun.

Jiang Minyun's mind was also blank. The message she sent to her brother was lost, and she didn't know if the other party missed something or ignored it on purpose.

Is this for her to bear alone? She couldn't help but feel a sense of despair.

The last chapter is not finished yet, about half an hour~~

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