"Ye Dong, I really came up with this method for the sake of the young master's condition."

Jiang Minyun bit her lip to calm herself down, and watched Ye Zhenfeng explain again.

He also specifically emphasized, "Many times, illegal operations are also for better treatment!"

Ye Zhenfeng no longer believed in her at all, and he couldn't accept such treatment.

"Is it really for the good of my son? Or for the benefit of our Ye family?"

He said with a cold face: "Jiang Minyun, from the beginning you have concealed the real treatment method, and you have not been sincere to our family members. It is too late to explain now."

"Although you are Jiang Yunqi's younger sister, this matter will definitely not be settled like this."

"You just go to the FBI. I will never tolerate the legal responsibility for all the illegal operations involved, and I will never look at your brother's face."

Compared with a precious son, what is the face of a brother-in-law?

What he is more concerned about now is whether Jiang Yunqi played any role in it.

"I just want to cure Ye Ning for you, is Ye Dong really going to do such a terrible thing?" Jiang Minyun made the last struggle.

Once in the FBI, it is impossible for her to come out clean.

Ye Zhenfeng sneered: "Who did it? If we hadn't accidentally discovered it today, my youngest son's life would have been ruined by your selfishness."

"We have already found the antique you asked our family to look for. But we have also consulted with Feng Shui masters. Wearing such things often on the body will cause serious damage to the body, and even risk death. You still have the face to ask me Are you really going to do this? You are shameless!"

Jiang Minyun took a step back, obviously did not expect the Ye family to know about Yinhan Antique.

In fact, she didn't have the intention of killing Ye Ning, what she wanted was to quickly restore the other party's health for a short time, so as to break into Ye's family and get vested benefits.

As long as Ye Ning is cured, her brother will also get more attention from Ye Zhenfeng, and it will be just around the corner to penetrate deeper into the Ye family.

But I didn't expect that things were going well, and they would suddenly fail.

She seemed to be thinking of something, and suddenly looked up at Xia Ruo, with hatred in her eyes, it must be because of what this dead girl did.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Ye Jing to invite the dead girl to treat her illness, and it would be impossible for Ye Jing to discover what she had been hiding all along.

Xia Ruo felt Jiang Minyun's hatred eyes immediately, she shrugged: "Master Jiang, what do you mean by staring at me with hatred? Shouldn't you reap the consequences of the cause you planted yourself?"

"You teamed up with Xu Ying to kill my mother, and now you want to kill the young master of the Ye family. What is your purpose?"

"Or is there someone or some force behind you instigating it? I don't believe you can do this alone." She deliberately pointed out the key point.

Sure enough, Ye Zhenfeng and his son were thoughtful after hearing this.

It's just Jiang Minyun, does she really have the courage and energy to do such a thing?

"Does Jiang Yunqi know that you treat Ning'er like this?" Ye Zhenfeng was very concerned about this, so he asked.

Jiang Minyun immediately replied: "I don't know, I never told my brother."

Then he smiled bitterly: "If he knew, he would definitely not allow me to do this."

Xia Ruo raised her eyebrows, is Jiang Minyun trying to get rid of Jiang Yunqi?

Jiang Yunqi didn't come now, which means that he doesn't care about this matter, and will definitely pretend not to know in the future, so that he can get Jiang Minyun's protection and clear up his heart, what is hidden behind the two brothers and sisters?

Thank you for the rewards and votes~~

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