Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 653: None of them are good things

Yunjing's domineering anti-general made Yan Lingfeng stop thinking about going against his uncle in an instant.

He has already controlled more than half of the battle group power in the Silver Dragon Empire, and the results are actually very good, but there is no harm without comparison.

People are more angry than others, why did he talk so cheap just now?

"Fortunately, it's worse than Brother Jing." He smiled mischievously.

Feng Yan was gloating at the side, he had already seen that, the uncle couldn't be offended, so it's better to follow along and please his daughter-in-law.

Yan Lingfeng just doesn't work and dies. With this guy's comparison, the uncle must think he is more pleasing to the eye, or he is smart.

Although Yun Jing didn't like Yan Lingfeng, after all, this big pig's trotter was married to his sister, so he said: "If you need help, just ask. In the Silver Dragon Empire, if I want to muddy the water of your royal family, I can still do it."

This can be regarded as being frank and honest, and it is also exposing his own cards.

Yan Lingfeng was very aggrieved, but he had to admit that this uncle was very powerful and a character.

"Since Brother Jing is Xuanxuan's elder brother, I, as a brother-in-law, will definitely not be polite." Why should he be pretentious if the little boy is going to be delivered to the door.

"So treat my brother with respect from now on, you understand?" Xia Xuan pinched Yan Lingfeng aside to emphasize.

The two sisters treat their brother exactly the same.

Yan Lingfeng's back hurts, and he forced a smile: "Got it!"

He even cast a cryptic look at Feng Yan who was watching the show: You unscrupulous guy, what about joining forces with you?

Feng Yan glanced back: It's not that I don't show loyalty, but that I'm smart and know the importance of strategic advance and retreat, you are stupid!

"..." Yan Lingfeng had the urge to flip the table, and neither brother-in-law nor brother-in-law was a good guy.

Soon the dishes were served, Yun Jing picked up a bottle of red wine, opened it, and poured the wine for several people himself.

Then he picked up the wine glass, looked at Brother Feng Yan and said with a smile: "The days before, Ruoruo thank you for taking care of me."

After finding his sister, he investigated all their experiences.

People who know the Feng family have never disliked their sister, and they have helped a lot in the open and in the dark, so his attitude towards the Feng family brothers is also very good.

Feng Yan smiled and picked up the wine glass to touch him, "Your Majesty, you are welcome, Ruoruo is also a member of our Feng family, so it is right to take care of her."

Feng Yi also smiled and clinked glasses, "Yes! Ruoruo should be taken care of, and she also takes care of us a lot, so we don't talk about each other!"

Yun Jing nodded: "Okay, everything is in the air! As long as Ruoruo and Feng Yan can last for a long time, we will be a family in the future!"

"Cheers!" The Feng family brothers understood what he meant.

Yun Jing chatted with the brothers of the Feng family, from wisteria to the Federation, and had more topics with Feng Yan, and the more they chatted, the more speculative they became.

The atmosphere of this in-laws meeting was very harmonious.

The brothers of the Feng family also learned about Yunjing's love for Xia Ruo again. This brother's love is deeper than that of many brothers. Fate is really a wonderful thing.

After dinner, Yun Jing said to Xia Ruo: "Tomorrow's exchange meeting will focus on discussion. I'm going to contact that emperor uncle and ask him to take his wife there for treatment. You can seize the opportunity from it."

This kind of public treatment of the other party's wife can also openly win the magic sea Milan away, and increase her fame and bargaining chips.

Xia Ruo smiled and nodded: "Okay! Brother is still thoughtful."

"It's just that the person will agree?"

Yun Jing smiled gently: "He regards his wife's life very seriously, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, he will not let it go, and he will definitely agree."

With him as a guarantee, that person will naturally go.

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