Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 654 Are you okay?

After eating and drinking tea, a few hours passed quickly.

The people from Yunjing also sent the seedlings and seeds of the plants in the manor, and Xia Ruo directly collected them into the fairy magic vine.

"Thank you brother!" Xia Ruo smiled openly.

Yun Jing fondled her head, "As long as you like it!"

"Tomorrow we will discuss treatment, so go back early to rest tonight." He looked at the time.

Yan Lingfeng and Feng Yan thought to themselves, it's really rare for a little boy to face today!

"Okay! Let's have dinner together tomorrow." Both Xia Xuan and Xia Ruo wanted to spend more time with their brother.

Yunjing smiled lightly: "Well, I'll take you to another special restaurant tomorrow!"

Then he personally sent the person back to the hotel, and then left to return to the palace.

Xia Xuan didn't go to Xia Ruo's room today, she was going to take the elixir made by her younger sister, and also gave it to Yan Lingfeng, hurry up and recover!

After entering the room, Yan Lingfeng hugged her from behind, "Xuanxuan, I miss you!"

Xia Xuan knew what he meant as soon as she heard it, and slapped his hands away with a smile, "Do business first."

"What's the business? Isn't this it?" Yan Lingfeng wrapped his arms around her waist again.

Xia Xuan stepped on him, "Don't push yourself!"

Then he turned around and pulled his tie, and went to sit down on the sofa.

He took out a porcelain bottle and threw it over, "My sister has already refined the elixir that will completely restore your physical and mental strength. You should eat it soon."

Immediately, he took out a porcelain bottle of different colors, poured out a elixir, put it in his mouth, and started to refine it.

Seeing this, Yan Lingfeng paused, then poured out the elixir from the porcelain bottle, put it in his mouth and swallowed it.

As the prince of the Silver Dragon Empire, no matter what medicine he takes, he needs to be tested by a specialized doctor.

If it was the past, he would never have taken the pill without testing.

But the love for Xia Xuan is getting deeper and deeper, since he promised her to trust, he will not break his promise.

Seeing that Yan Lingfeng took the pill without too much hesitation, Xia Xuanfeng's eyes were full of smiles, she was a big pig's trotter, so she let him go for the time being.

The two sat and consumed the medicinal power of the elixir, and Xia Ruo on the other side also called Feng Yan into the room.

Brother Feng Yan consciously returned to the room quickly, absolutely not being a light bulb.

In the room, as soon as Feng Yan sat down, he put his arms around Xia Ruo's waist and leaned his head on her shoulder.

"Xia Xia, have I behaved well these two days?" He wagged his tail like a big wolfdog again, wanting to invite pets.

Xia Ruo smiled and said: "It's okay, but you described my brother's eyes as lame at night, so don't do that next time."

Feng Yan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "I'm wronged! I was actually just praising my uncle for his good eyesight. You must have misunderstood me."

Xia Ruo glanced at him, "Really?"

Feng Yan had a strong desire to survive, he raised a hand, "Really, I can swear it!"

Xia Ruo smiled and leaned over to kiss his face, "Okay, I believe you for now."

Two people can't always suppress each other when they get along, it is necessary to give some sweetness appropriately, love can't let each other give everything, and mutual favor should also be.

Feng Yan's heart beat faster, looking at Xia Ruo's pretty pink lips, he licked his own, "Since you performed well, is there a reward?"

Xia Ruo couldn't see his small thoughts, raised his hand and hooked his chin, put his face close to the tip of his nose, sprayed his breath on his face, and asked softly, "What reward do you want?"

Feng Yan's eyes were full of warmth and love, and his voice was magnetic and pleasant, and he said softly, "Can you give me a kiss?"

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