Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 658: It's Incredible

Those who questioned said it very straightforwardly, and many people did not speak, but they also had similar thoughts in their hearts.

If it is said that this patient has other diseases, they can still believe it, but it can be seen that her skin is not only disease-free, but also smooth and delicate. Xia Ruo is not talking nonsense.

There are also very few people who did not immediately draw a conclusion because of the situation of the last patient.

The president had seen the woman's case, and he asked curiously, "From what aspect do you know that she has skin disease? Can you prove it to us?"

Xia Ruo didn't answer but asked instead: "May I ask if you have any equipment similar to radiating sunlight?"

Today's technology is advanced, and many instruments have many functions, and many of them can absorb sunlight and then use them.

Some are similar to solar energy, but the effect is the same as sunlight when used, and the brightness and temperature are the same, which is much more advanced.

"My instrument has such a function." A doctor asked, "What is Master Xia trying to do?"

Xia Ruo said: "Please wait a moment."

Then she looked at the woman sitting in the center waiting for treatment and asked, "Can you expose your condition? This will also help treatment."

Since the woman was invited, she also hoped that these so-called three masters in the medical field could find a way to cure her illness.

She nodded shyly: "Yes!"

"Thank you!" Xia Ruo said politely.

Only then did he say to the doctor: "Please adjust the sunlight in the instrument and shine it on this young lady."

The doctor was a little confused, but he did it anyway.

Everyone else looked at it with interest. Could it be possible that the sun will change your body? This is a little unlikely.

Soon, the instrument's sunlight scattered on the woman's body, and gradually her fair and delicate skin began to have little red spots.

In just a few minutes, the small red dots spread and looked like large areas of erythema, as long as the skin was exposed to the sun.

Because she was indoors today, she wore a skirt, and soon there were large areas of red spots all over her body, which looked very scary.

Those who questioned Xia Ruo before or thought she made a mistake in her judgment all stared wide-eyed. This person really has a skin disease, and it looks serious.

"That's not right! I checked her whole body just now, including her skin, and there is no lesion on her skin."

"I checked it too. This is too strange. It seems that her condition is quite serious."

"It's amazing. I didn't expect the ancient medical skills of the Federation to be so powerful. It's unbelievable. You can know the condition just by touching your wrist and looking at your face."

"I also think it's amazing, but how to treat this?"

"I don't know, we haven't even found out the cause, so it's impossible to start treatment."

"That's right. It is estimated that the results of the hospital's inspection are the same as ours. Similar skin disease treatments have been done, but they are useless. Otherwise, I wouldn't be here today."

Doctors and pharmacists are constantly discussing that they have seen and treated such erythema skin disease.

But for erythema, which only develops when exposed to sunlight, they really don't know how to deal with it.

The president was also very surprised. Originally, he was not interested in ancient medicine, but now he is very interested.

"Master Xia's judgments are all correct. This patient has a recessive skin disease, and the equipment can't detect the cause. The hospital has made many treatment plans, but all of them failed."

My procrastination is really hopeless, I gave up the treatment, the rest will be later, you can watch it tomorrow morning, okay~~

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